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Catalog excerpts

C-Gate - 1

C-Gate Industry 4.0 enabled Connectivity and digitalisation of QIROX robot systems

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C-Gate - 2

The new C-Gate CLOOS gateway enables demand-based management of welding and robot data. All information is entered and processed centrally in an integrated information and communication tool. The customised presentation of information enables detailed visualisation, analysis and continued processing of the operating and welding process data collected. The new system consists of the system-related hardware and the software modules production, quality management and service. With the production module you can illustrate the performance and the efficiency of your robot systems, localise...

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C-Gate - 3

The production module supports you during measurement, analysis and increase of the machine and system productivity. You benefit from: ■ Online monitoring of the total system availability ■ Basis for process optimisations ■ Detailed reporting on availability, capacity and quality ■ Analysis, reporting and notification functions ■ Automated data recording and allocation ■ Transparency of the machine utilisation times Overview of the functions: - Live dashboard - OEE/GAE display - Reports and analyses - Message/Alert function - Interface functions to upstream systems (OPC UA, REST) 1. You...

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C-Gate - 4

Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH Main office: Carl-Cloos-Strasse 1 Central warehouse: Carl-Cloos-Strasse 6 35708 Haiger GERMANY CC-1060-CLOOS_C-Gate 15/06/19 Subject to technical alterations.

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All CLOOS catalogs and technical brochures

  1. QIROX RoboPlan

    16 Pages

  2. QINEO NexT

    32 Pages

  3. Welding

    32 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. QWD-AR

    2 Pages

  2. QWD-M2

    2 Pages


    10 Pages


    8 Pages