Catalog excerpts

common media Valve Actuation Section / he Sentinelaccurately metersall commonblast media- from coarsesteelgrit to sand to fine glassbead. Just empty the blast machine,pour in the new media, and start blasting. For blast contractors,the Sentinel's flexibility reducesdowntime between jobs that require different blast media. For rental outlets,installing Sentinelvalvesmakesevery blast machineready to roll out the door regardless the application. of Any commonblasting mediathe customerchooses will be compatible. Engineered For Lasting Economy Metering and valve actuationare separate functionsin the Sentinel,so the wearitems in the metering assembly be quickly and inexpencan sively replacedin the field. When the valve is open, the plungeris completely withdrawn from the mediaflow. When the remote control handleis released, springthe actuated Sentinelinstantly stopsthe flow of media. Metering Section / The Sentinel'sfail-to-safe design stopsthe flow of media if air or electric power to the remotecontrols is interrupted for any reason. The meteringsectionof the Sentinel incorporates stainlesssteelmetering a plate for long life. This meteringplate aIlows fine adjustmentno matterwhat mediais used. An optional inspectionplate lets the operatorcheck for foreign objectsand mediablockageswithout disassembling the valve. Versatile The Sentinelcan be configuredfor pressure-hold pressure-release or blast machines,with or without remotemedia shutoff. It works with pneumaticor electric remotecontrols. The SentinelinstaIls in minuteson any Clemco single- or multiple-outlet blast machine. It can be adapted to machinesfrom most other manufacturers.
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SENTINEL REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMS OSHA requiresthe useof remotecontrols on all abrasiveblast machines. Clemcoremotecontrols meetOSHA All requirements, are availableto operateeither pneumaticallyor electrically. Clemcoremotecontrols systems and are benchmarks the industry. for Sentinel Remote Control System Abrasive Cutoff Switch (ACS) The SentinelRemoteControl Systems provide operator start/stopmediacontrol at the nozzle without depressurizing the blast machine. On multiple outlet blast machines, this allows one or more operatorsto stop blasting without affecting any other operatorusing the...
Open the catalog to page 2All CLEMCO INDUSTRIES catalogs and technical brochures
Apollo 600
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Apollo 20 HP
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12 Pages
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Automated Air Blast Systems
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BNP A200 Series
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Debris Screen Basket
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Options Plus
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Cabinet Dust Collectors
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Climate Control Tube (CCT)
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Apollo 60 and 600
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ZERO Automation
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Pulsar III, VI & VI-P
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Pulsar VI-PE
2 Pages
Pulsar IX Pressure PS
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Pulsar III-PE
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Pulsar III-P
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Operator Safety Equipment
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Clemco Mule
1 Pages
7 Pages
29 Pages
11 Pages
12 Pages
Blast Suit & Gloves (Rev. I)
2 Pages
Internal Pipe Tools (Rev. A)
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Big Clem Bulk Blast Machines
2 Pages
CAP-4 Ambient Air Pump
2 Pages
Tumble Cabinets
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BNP Suction Blast Guns
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MB series
2 Pages
CDF Dust Collectors (Rev. C)
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CALIPSO Ambient Air Pump
2 Pages
Cool Air Tube (Rev. B)
2 Pages
INEX Blast Cabinet (Rev. E)
2 Pages
2-Braid Blast Hose (Rev. G)
1 Pages
Clem-Cool Air Conditioner
1 Pages
Super Comet
4 Pages
Pre-assembled blast-room
4 Pages
Blast Suit & Gloves (Rev. E)
2 Pages
Bulk Abrasive Blast Machines
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Archived catalogs
Automated Air Blast Systems
6 Pages