Labor-Saving products
1 / 8Pages

Catalog excerpts

Labor-Saving products - 1

Overview œProduct@overview œCKD’s@labor-saving@precision@products@are@manufactured@based@on@the@latest@technologies of@automated@machine,@valves,@cylinders,@and@solenoids. We@meet@your@needs@with@a@wide@variety@of@products@featuring@dependable@quality. Direct@drive@actuator CKD@index@units qMechanical@indexr qMechanical@indexr Labor@Saving@Products *@Refer@to@the@Direct@Drive@Actuator@general Product@overview œCKD@Labor-Saving@Products catalog@(No.@CB-032A). A-3

Open the catalog to page 1
Labor-Saving products - 2

Roller@gear@cam@unit Parallel@cam@unit P@&@P@unit Direct@drive@actuator Driver/controller Dedicated@terminal Overview œProduct@overview A-4

Open the catalog to page 2
Labor-Saving products - 3

Overview œProduct@overview Product@overview œCKD@index@unit@models œCam@variations œBody@variations CKD@index@units Roller@gear@cam@unit Parallel@cam@unit Small@type Standard@type Wide@angle@type Table@type Small@multi-index@type Flat@type Standard@type A-5

Open the catalog to page 3
Labor-Saving products - 5

Overview œProduct@overview Product@overview œCKD@index@units@selection@procedure How@to@decide@model@No. Selection@of@peripheral@devices Check@of@characteristics@values Static@rated@output@torque Dynamic@rated@output@torque Confirmation@of@load@conditions Confirmation@of@operation@conditions Selection@guide œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œPage @CKD@index@units@series@variation @Feature@table @Each@type’s@explanation @Index@number@and@angle@combinations @Index@number @Index@angle @Input@shaft@rotation@speed@(cycle@time) @Cam@curve A-9 A-19 A-8 A-5 B-11 B-5 B-6 B-5...

Open the catalog to page 5
Labor-Saving products - 6

Overview œProduct@overview œFeature@table Unit Roller@gear@cam Type Small Standard Wide@angle Table Small@multi-index Flat Standard Parallel@cam Specifications Table@drive Conveyer@drive Hollow@shaft Wide@angle Torque@saver High@speed Motor@body Oilless Delivery@(CKD@comparison) Cost@(CKD@comparison) Aluminum@light@weight Mounting@surface@selection A-8

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Labor-Saving products - 7

Overview œProduct@overview Product@overview œIndex@number@and@angle@combinations Index@Series@single-dwell@cam idegj 360 270 90 180 1 2 345 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 3236 40 PCIS RGIT RGID RGIS RGIM RGIL This@table@shows@combinations@of@index@number@and@index@angle@for@each@type@of@index@unit (single-dwell@cam). Find@the@model@matching@the@required@index@number@and@index@angle,@and@set@index operation@conditions. Refer@to@the@"Technical@Explanation"@section@for@details@on@"index@number@and@index@angle." Index@number Index@angle A-9

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Labor-Saving products - 8

CRG25E32 TGX20`70 TST6`11 TE35`150 HO32`135 TSF2`18 50`135 HOERC CBCU Overview œProduct@overview œOption Option Worm@reducer Torque@saver Custom@order Others Worm@reducer Others With@switch With@geared@motor Clutch@brake Control@unit Others A-10

Open the catalog to page 8

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