Catalog excerpts
CS5340 1. CHARACTERISTICSANDSPECIFICATIONS (AU Min/Max characteristics and spcifications are guaranteed over the Specified Operating Conditions. Typical performance characteristics and spcifications are derived from measurements taken at typical supply voltages and TA = 25°C.) SPECIFIEDOPERATINGCONDITIONS (GND = 0 V, ail voltages with respect to 0 V.) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Power Supplies Analog VA 3.1 (Note 1 ) 5.25 V Digital VD 3.1 3.3 5.25 V Logic VL 1.7 3.3 5.25 V Ambient Operating Temp驩rature Commercial Tac -10 - 70 °C Automotive Tac -40 - 85 °C Notes: 1 This part is...
Open the catalog to page 4CS5340 ANALOGCHARACTERISTICS-COMMERCIALGRADE Test Conditions (unless otherwise specified): Inpul test signal is a 1 kHz sine wave; measurement bandwidth is 10 Hz to 20 kHz. Dynamic Performance for Commercial Grade VA = 5V VA = 3.3 V Single-Speed Mode Fs =48 kHz Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Dynamic Range A-weighted 95 101 - 92 98 - dB unweighted 92 98 89 95 - dB Total Harmonie Distortion + Noise (Note 5) THD+N -1 dB - -94 -88 Օ -91 -85 dB -20 dB - -78 - - -75 - dB -60 dB - -38 - - -35 - dB Double-Speed Mode Fs ■ 96 kHz Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit ._ Dynamic Range A-welghted 95...
Open the catalog to page 5CS5340 ANALOGCHARACTERISTICS-AUTOMOTIVEGRADE Test Conditions (unless otherwise specified): Input test signal is a 1 kHz sine wave; measurement bandwidth is 10Hzto 20 kHz. Dynamic Performance for Automotive Grade VA = 5V VA = 3.3 V Single-Speed Mode Fs = 48 kHz Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Dynamic Range A-welghted unwelghted 93 90 101 98 - 90 87 98 95 - dB dB Total Harmonie Distortion + Noise (Note 5) -1 dB -20 dB -60 dB THD+N - -94 -78 -38 -86 - -91 -75 -35 -83 CB dB dB DoubleSpeed Mode Fs = 96 kHz Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Dynamic Range A-weighted unweighted 40 kHz...
Open the catalog to page 6CS5340 SCLK output LRCK output SDOUT Figure 13. Master Mode, LefUJustifted SAI Figure 14. Slave Mode, LefUJustified SAI SCLK output LRCK output SDOUT Figure 15. Master Mode. PS SAI Figure 16. Slave Mode, l*S SAI 12 DS601F2
Open the catalog to page 12□RRUS LOGIC CS5340 2.PINDESCRIPTION Pin Name # Pin Description MO M1 1 16 Mode Slection (Inpu) - D鮩termines the operational mode of the device. MCLK 2 Master Clock {Input) - Clock source for the delta-sigma modulator and digital filters. VL 3 Logic Power {Input) - Positive power for the digital inpuf output. SDOUT 4 Sriai Audio Data Output (Output} - Output for two's complment s驩riai audk> data. GND 5.14 Ground {Input) - Ground rfrence. Must be connected to analog ground. VD 6 Digital Power {Input) - Positive power supply for the digital section. SCLK 7 S驩riai Clock {InputlOutput) - Sriai...
Open the catalog to page 13CS5340 4.APPLICATIONS 4.1 Single-, Double-, and Quad-Speed Modes The CS5340 can support output sample tates from 2 kHz to 200 kHz. The proper speed mode can be de-termined by the desired output sample rate and the extemal MCLK/LRCK ratio, as shown in Table 1. Speed Mode MCLK/LRCK Ratio Output Sample Rate Range (kHz) Single-Speed Mode 512x 43-50 256x 2-50 Doubte-Speed Mode 256x 86-100 128x 4-100 - Quad-Speed Mode 128x 172 - 200 64x" 100-200 Quad-Speed Mode. 64x onty avallable In Masler Mode. Table 1. Speed Modes and Ihe Associated Output Sample Rates (Fs) 4.2 Opթration as Either a Clock...
Open the catalog to page 15□RRUS LOGIC CS5340 4.2.1 Opration as a Clock Master Asa clock master,LRCK and SCLK operate as outputs. The left/right and sriai docks are internally de-rived from the master clock with the lett/right clock equal to Fs and the s驩riai clock equal lo 64xFs, as shown in Figure 18. -256 I Single fc Speed Doubte Speed I_Qliad- 00 0110 LRCK Output (Equal to Fs) *128 *64 Speed MCLK- +2 M1MO Single LI 00 Spcod Double Auto-Select *2 >01 10 SCLK Output Speed Quad Figure 18. CS5340 Master Mode Clockinq 4.2.2 Opration as a Clock Slave wlth Auto-Detect LRCK and SCLK operate as inputs in clock slave...
Open the catalog to page 16CS5340 4.2.3 Master Clock The CS5340 requires a Master clock (MCLK) which runs the internai sampling circuits and digital filters. There is also an internai MCLK divider which is automatically activated based on the speed mode and frequency of the MCLK. Table 3 shows a listing of the externat MCLK/LRCK ratios that are required. Table 4 lists some common audio output sample rates and the required MCLK frequency. Please note (hat not ail of the listed sample rates are supported when operating with a fast MCLK (512x, 256x, 128x for Single-. Double-, and Quad-Speed Modes, respectively)....
Open the catalog to page 17CIRRUS LOGIC CS5340 4.4 Power-Up Squence Reliable power-up can be accomplished by keeping the device in reset until the power supplies, docks and configuration pins are stable. It is also recommended tha reset be enabled if the analog or digital supplies drop below the minimum specified operating voltages to prevent power-glitch-related issues* 4.5 Analog Connections The analog modulatorsamplesthe input at half of the MCLKfrequency, or nominally 6.144 MHz. The digital filter will reject signais within the stopband of the filter. Howevert there is no rejection for input signais which are...
Open the catalog to page 18=^^F17KKUSLOG/CCS5340 6.PACKAGEDIMENSIONS 16LTSSOP(4.4mmBODY)PACKAGEDRAWING TOPVIEW INCHES MILLIMETERS NOTE MIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAX A 0.043 ח 1.10 A1 0.002 0 004 0.006 0.05 ח 0.15 A2 0.03346 0.0354 0.037 0.85 0.90 0.95 b 0.00748 0.0096 0.012 0.19 0.245 0.30 2.3 D 0.193 0.1969 0.201 4.90 5.00 5.10 1 E 0.248 0.2519 0.256 6.30 6.40 6.50 E1 0.169 0.1732 0.177 4.30 4.40 4.50 1 e 0.026 BSC 0.65 BSC ח L 0.020 0.024 0.028 0.50 0.60 0.70 M 0' 4" 8" 0" 4" 8' JEDEC tt:MI>153 Controlltng Dimension is Millimeters 1, "D" and "ET are rfrence datums and do not included mold flash or protrusions. but do...
Open the catalog to page 21CS5340 7. ORDERINGINFORMATION Product Description Package Pb-Free Grade Temp Range Container Order ff CS5340 101 dB. 192 kHz. MurU-BH Audio A/D Converter 16-TSSOP YES Commercial -10° to +70° C Bulk CS5340-CZ2 Tape & Rel CS5340-CZZR CS5340 101 dB. 192 kHz. Multi-Brt Audio A/D Converter 16-TSSOP YES Automotive «40° to +85° C Bulk CS5340-DZZ Tape & Rel CS5340-DZ2R CDB5340 CS5340 Evaluation Board - - - - - CDB5340 8.REVISIONHISTORY Release Changes PP3 Remove CS5340-CZfrom Order驯ng Information Redefine Sriai Audio Port Switchlng Characteristics Correct dimension *e" under Package Dimensions...
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