Catalog excerpts
CIRRUS LOGIC' CS485xx Family Data Sheet FEATURES □ Cosl-effective. High-performance 32-bit DSP 300,000.000 MAC/S (multipty accumulעtes per second) Dual MAC cycles per clock ח 72-bit accumutators are the most accurate m the induslfy 24k x 32 SRAM, 2k blocks - assignable to data or program ח Internai ROM contants a vanety ol contour abJe sound enhanccmont foature sets 8-channel intemal DMA ח Intemal watch-dog DSP lock-up prvention □ DSP Tool Set w/ Prtvate Keys for Protecting Customer IP □ Configurable Sriai Audio Inputs/Outputs 驗 Configurable for ail input/output types Maximum 32-W@ 192 kHz ח Supports audio sample UObctween DSP chips TDM inpul modes (multiple channeis on same line) ח 192 kHz SPDIF transmitter Mulli channel DSD dwed stream digital SACD inpul □ Supports Two Diffשrent Input Fs Sample Rates Output can be master or slave ח Dual processing path capability Inpul supports dual domain slave ctocking ח Hardware assisl time sampling for sampte raie conversion □ Integrated Ctock Manager/PLL Can operato from extcrnal tiystal, extemal oscillator □ Input Fs Auto Dשtection Ll Host S Boot via Sriai Interface □ Configurable GPIOs and External Interrupt Input □ 1.3V Core and a 3.3V I/O that is tolrant to 5V Input □ Low-power Mode 驗 "Energy Star* Ready" n Eow power mode. 26 uW in standby Diffۨre ntiating from the legacy Cirrus multi-standard. multi-channel decoders. thts new CS485xx family is still based on the same high-performance 32-bit flxed point Digital Signal Processor core but inslead is equipped v/lth much less memory. tailortng It for more cost-effective applications assoated wtth muiti-channel and vlrtual-channel sound enhancements- Target applications are: Digital T뗩lvisions Multimedia Peuplerais 闗 iPod*Docking Stations Automotive Head Units ח Automotive Outboard Amplifiera HD-DVD & Bfcway Dtsc DVD Roceivers PC Speakers There are are also a wlde variety of licensable DSP codes available today as seen by the follo-ving examples: SRSC«) CIRRUS LOOC ?^istry miDOLBY" pr0logic:u Cirrus also has developed. or is developing thelr own royalty-free versions of popular teatures sets like Cirrus Bass Manager, Cirrus Dynamic Volume Leveler. Cirrus Original Muttchannel Surround. Cirrus Virtual Speaker & Cirrus 3D-Audio. The CS485xx family is procjrammed using the Cirrus proprietary DSP Composer GUI development tooL Processing chalns may be designed using a drag-and-drop interface to place/utilize functionai macro audio DSP primitives. The end resuit is a software image that is down-loaded to the DSP via sשriai host or sriai boot modes. Drdering Information: See page 20 for ordering information I Senal Control 1 GPIO Dcbug 12 Ch Audwln/ 6Ch SACD In T 32-bit DSP p X Y Watchdoq TMR1 S/PDIF TMR2 l2Ch PCM Audio Oui l_I - PLL CIRRUS LOGIC Copyright 2009 Cirrus Logic, Inc. FEB '09 -■- DS734F3
Open the catalog to page 1CS485xx Family Data Sheet 32-bit Audio Dcoder DSP Family 4.1.2 DMA Controller The powerful 8-channel DMA controller can move data between 8 on-chip resources. Each resource has its own arbiter: X, Y, and P RAMs/ROMs and the peripheral bus. Modulo and linear addressing modes are supported, with flexible start address and increment controls. The service intervals for each DMA channel, as well as up to 6 interrupt events, are programmable. 4.2 On-chip DSP Peripherals 4.2.1 Digital Audio Input Port (DAI) Each version of the CS485xx supports a different number of input channels. Refer to Table 2...
Open the catalog to page 8CS485xx Family Data Sheet 32-bit Audio Dcoder DSP Family CRRUS Loac 5. Characteristics and Spcifications Note: Ail data sheet minimum and maximum timing parameters are guaranteed over the rated voltage and temp驩rature. Ail data sheet typical parameters are measured under the following conditions: T - 25 °C, = 20 pF. VDD = VDDA = 1.8 V. VDDIO = 3.3 V. GNDD = GNDIO = GNDA = 0 V. 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (GNDD = GNDIO = GNDA = 0 V; ail voltages with respect to 0V) Parameter Symbol Mm Max Unit DC power supplies: Core supply VDD -0.3 j 2.0 V PLL supply VDDA -0.3 3.6 V I/O supply VDDIO -0.3...
Open the catalog to page 10CIRRUS LOOC CS48SXXFamilyDataSheet32-bit Audio Dcoder DSP Family 5.4PowerSupplyCharacteristics (Measurements performed under operating conditions) Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Operational Power Supply Current: VDD: Core and I/Ooperating1 - 203 - mA VDDA: PLL operating - 8 - mA VDDIO: With most ports operating - 27 - mA Total Operational Power Dissipation: 480 mW Standby Power Supply Current: VDD: Core and I/Onot clocked - 100 - MA VDDA: PLL halted - 1 - pA VDDIO: AH connected I/Opins 3-stated by other ICs in System - 50 - MA Total Standby Power Dissipation: - 348 - pW 1 Dpendent on...
Open the catalog to page 11CS485xx Family DataSheet32-bit Audio Dcoder DSP Family CIRRUS Loac 5.6SwitchingCharacteristicsRESET Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit RESET# minimum puise widlh low 1 - ms AH bidirectional pins high-Z after RESET# low Trst2z - 100 ns Configuration pins setup before RESETfl high 50 - ns Configuration pins hold after RESETS high TtsUik) 20 - ns Figure 1. RESET Timing 5.7SwitchingCharacteristics闗XTI Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit External Crystal operating frequency1 Fxiai 11.2896 27 MHz XTI period TdU 33.3 100 ns XTI high time 13.3 - ns XTI tow time TclkH 13.3 ns External Crystal Load Capacitance...
Open the catalog to page 12CIRRUS LOGIC CS48SXX FamilyDataSheet32-bit Audio Dcoder DSP Family 5.8SwitchingCharacteristicsInternaiClock Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Intemal DCLK frequency1 F dclk - MHz CS4852X-CQZ ^xlal 150 CS4854X-CQZ 150 CS4856x-CQZ ^xtal 150 CS4854X-DQZ ^xlal 150 CS4856X-DQZ Fxtel 150 Intemal DCLK period1 DCLKP - ns CS4852X-CQZ 6.7 1/F»al CS4854X-CQZ 6.7 CS4856x-CQZ 6.7 1/Fxtei CS4854x-DQZ 6.7 CS4856X-DQZ 6.7 TFxtal 1. Afler inrttal powerw reset, F^ = FM Afler initial kicfcstart commands, the PLL is locked to max Fddk and remains locked untii the next power on reset...
Open the catalog to page 13C5485xx Family Data Sheet 32-bft Audio Dcoder DSP Family CIRRUS LOOC SCP es» H tnkH ss \ n SCP MOSI 1 ce IGEX taprih SCP MISO MSB «SB c )7 SCP IRQ? SCP BSY# n ce Figure 3. Sriai Control Port - SPI Slave Mode Timing 5.10SwitchingCharacteristics驗SriaiControl Port - SPI MasterMode Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Units SCP.CIK frequency1 'spisek - MHz SCP_CS# falling to SCP_CLK rising 4 ^spiess ■ 11*DCLKP + (SCP_CLK PERIOD)/2 - ns SCP_CLK low time tspickl 20 - ns SCP_CLK high time spickh 20 - ns Setup time SCP_MISO input *spidsu 9 - ns Hold time SCP_MISO input *spidh 5 - ns SCP_CLK low to...
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