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CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF PAHs USING AUTOMATIC THERMAL DESORPTION-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY D. Bazin, K. Clarke, S. Landart, K. Traulle, M. Robert and F. Amiet Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of over 100 different chemicals that are known to be formed typically during incomplete combustion of organic matter at high temperature. Their major sources in the atmosphere include industrial processes, vehicle exhausts, waste incinerations, and domestic heating emissions. Due to their carcinogenic/mutagenic effects, 16 PAHs are currently listed as priority air pollutants. Actual analytical methods dedicated to monitor PAHs require multistep sampling preparations and are not suited for continuous monitoring. Automatic Thermal Desorption-Gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (AUTO-TD-GC-FID) is the standard method for the monitoring of volatile and semi-volatile hydrocarbons. This technique allows continuous identification and quantification of hydrocarbons from ethane to naphthalene. The main goal of this work was to implement a new and simple method for sampling and determination of PAHs in gas and solid phase in air by using thermal desorption technique followed by gas chromatography equipped with two detectors: a flame ionization detector and a Mass spectrometer. Instrument configurations airmoVOC C6-C12 •Carrier gas: H2 •Trap: Carbotrap mixture •Column: apolar MXT •Oven : 37 – 350 °C •Detector: FID • T°: 175 °C •Sampling line • Teflon (150 °C) •Carrier gas: H2 •Trap: TENAX + Quartz wool •Column: Apolar MXT •Oven : 37 – 350 °C •Detector: • FID • T°: 202 °C •Transfer line • MXT tube (200 °C) •Multiplexing system • 175 °C •Detector: • SEM • MID • 20 ms/uma Permeation tubes Liquid standard 502.2 CAL2000 MegaMix Mixture (Restek) 2000 µg/L Analitycal conditions Analytical conditions - Sampling times Calibration curve for Naphthalene changing the sampling time (A) and Naphthalene concentrations (B) Mass of Naphthalene injected (ng) Mass of Naphthalene injected (ng) NAPHTALENE Linéaire (NAPHTALENE) Chromatogram obtain with FID detector Naphthalene trend near Bordeaux Calibration curve for Naphthalene airmoPAH Sample SV Calibration Mix #5/610 PAH Mix (Restek) 16 components 2 mg/ml in methylene chloride Chromatogram obtain with FID detector Chromatogram obtain with MS The results show that the airmoVOC C6-C12 is suited for the measurement of Naphthalene in air and in water. The measured concentrations of Naphthalene in ambient air were 171 and 70 ng/m3 in January and July respectively. The airmoPAH is capable of measuring the first 4 PAHs. Further studies will characterize the capability of the system for the measu

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