MVE LN2 TX Transfer Hose
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MVE LN2 TX Transfer Hose - 1

The LN2 Tx was designed specifically to make removing excess liquid nitrogen from open vessels safe and easy. Instead of lifting and pouring from heavy Dewars, personnel can simply utilize the LN2 Tx to transfer liquid nitrogen from one open vessel to another. By using a pressurized nitrogen gas source, the LN2 Tx efficiently transfers liquid nitrogen without straining your back or causing structural damage from spills. • Safely, easily, quickly and efficiently transfer LN2 from one open dewar to another • Avoid having to lift and pour out heavy dry vapor shippers • Can be used to empty LN2 freezers for maintenance, transport, cleaning, etc. • Saves employees backs and avoids injury • Improves safety and reduces workman compensation • Minimal transfer losses • Reduce long term LN2 usage allows you to reuse by transferring — between Dewars • Operating pressure of gaseous nitrogen source must be 22-50 psi (1.5-3.4 bar) • Approximate flow rate up to 2 LPM Note: You must use compressed nitrogen or nitrogen gas use valve on cylinder or piping—no compressed air. Specifications Rigid Aluminum Tube Length ft (m) Flex Hose Length ft (m) Minimum Neck Opening in (mm) Visit for more information. Chart Inc. reserves the right to discontinue its products, or change the prices, materials, equipment, quality, descriptions, specifications and/or processes to its products at any time without prior notice and with no further obligation or consequence. All rights not expressly stated herein are reserved by us, as applicable. Copyright © 2014 Chart Industries

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