Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps
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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 1

Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps CEPIC sas, 445 rue Noyer des Bouttières, 76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray - France Tél: +33 2 32 82 37 82 - Fax: +33 2 32 82 37 88 - - cepic@cepic.f

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 3


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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 4

ABOUT CEPIC CEPIC, specialist in anticorrosion centrifugal pumps EXPERTISE Through our close collaboration with our clients, we have developed an incomparable amount of know-how. We offer the best solutions for pumping corrosive liquids. Our engineers are at your service to discuss your needs and propose solutions for pumps adapted to your applications and your sector of activity. REACTIVITY Our sales team is always happy to discuss the materials and constructions that will best respond to your needs. As part of our full service offer, our new pumps include high-level aftersales service...

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 5

A P P L I C AT I O N S A N D M AT E R I A L S M a t e r i a l s : the liquids only come into contact with anticorrosion materials CARBONITE® : An impregnated artificial graphite which can be used at temperatures of up to 170°C, presenting a low dilatation coefficient, considerable geometric stability, and an excellent resistance in most corrosive environments. PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) Essential characteristics of this material: its thermoplasticity which makes it easy to use; its remarkable thermal stability at temperatures of between -50°C and +150°C; its mechanical resistance which...

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 6

Single-stage horizontal centrifugal pump, single, in conformity to EN 22858 / ISO 2858 standards Sold either with unfitted cam shaft, or fitted with couplingbaseplate and motor. Hydraulic materials o PP o PVDF O PE-UHMW o PTFE o PE-HD o Carbonite® Flow (Q) Head (HMT) Temperature Pressure Connection Engine Intermittent or continuous rincing Specific sealing materiels Filling of the oil sump Dry run detection ATEX construction as per 94/9/CE ANIS flanges S Solidity S Not sensitive to the direction of motor rotation S Easy maintenance S No nose impeller

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 7

Single-stage close coupled horizontal centrifugal pump Direct coupling to the motor via a rigid sleeve Flow (Q) Head (HMT) Temperature Pressure Connection Engine Hydraulic materials PE-HD o PP Reverse simple mechanical seal SiC - SiC or SiC - Carbon I m p e l l e r Semi-closed type impellor > Intermittent or continuous rinsing > Dry run detection > ATEX construction as per 94/9/CE > Threaded, splined, Union connectors Advantages S Economical construction S Not sensitive to motor rotation direction S Easy maintenance S No nose impeller

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 8

MAGNETIC DRIVEN PUMPS Flow (Q) Head (HMT) Temperature Pressure Connection Engine Single-stage horizontal magnetic driven centrifugal pump. Close coupled design or standardized design. Samarium cobalt magnets. Hydraulic materials o PP o PE -HD o PE-UHMW o PVDF Bu schings materials S SiC/SiC S SiC/Carbon Sealing canister materials S PVDF S Carbon-fiber reinforced PDVF Impeller Standardized version sold either as bare shaft pump, or fitted with coupling, baseplate and motor. ATEX construction as per 94/9/CE Advantages S No rotor sealing S Maximal safety in use S Solidity

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 9

VERTICAL PUMPS, TYPE PV Construction Single-stage vertical centrifugal pump, Close coupled or with intermediate bearings housing depending on size Dynamic sealing by discharge turbine Semi-closed impeller Hydraulic materials  Impregnated graphite Carbonite®  PP  PE-HD &UHMW Capacity Flow (Q) Head (HMT) Temperature Connection Engine Advantages  Simple construction  Easy maintenance  Totally insensitive to dry run solidity

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 10

SUBMERSIBLE VERTICAL PUMPS, TYPE PVI Construction Single-stage vertical centrifugal pump, submersible Cantilever or with lower level bushings depending on size and submersion depth Semi-closed impeller Hydraulic materials  Impregnated graphite Carbonite®  PP  PE-HD &UHMW  PVDF Capacity Flow (Q) Head (HMT) Temperature Connection Engine Max Submension Advantages  Metallic plate flange with anticorrosion coating  Design can be adapted to products added

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 11

ales Swansea Cardiff iBamstap'e Exeter Reading s~"'r;S..moo.b urnemouth elfish Channel Guernsey Jersey Nederland Rotterdam® Netherlands Mi Gento Koln \uiiie Belg«e ’-S °^Belg>Que / Reims Xr^U^vJ Breisgau ■Rons' Angers Tours Other CEPIC equi pment available: - Anticorrosion centrifugal pumps in Carbonite® or plastics, Systems and skids (dilution of H2SO4, treatment of HCl, ejectors, vacuums - Standard or made-to-specifications stirrers and shakers ai.lilia ^ - Machined to specification graphite parts - Carbonite® rupture discs

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Anticorrosion Centrifugal Pumps - 12

CEPIC sas, 445 rue Noyer des Bouttières, 76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray - France Tél: +33 2 32 82 37 82 - Fax: +33 2 32 82 37 88 - -

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