VZ series


Catalog excerpts

VZ series - 1

Centrifuge technology for metalworking Industry De-oiling chips VZ series Thoroughly dry in stop & go cycles. Like all automatic de-oiling centrifuges, the VZ needs the chips to be short or broken. Centrifuging and batch times are preprogrammed. The chips are added to the centrifuge automatically by a conveyor in batches. Once the centrifuge is filled to capacity, the conveyor cuts out and the timed chip de-oiling process takes place. Batch operation means it can be determined exactly how long the chips spend in the centrifuge. So the degree of de-oiling can be fine-tuned to the chip type. A version with a rake and/or agitator is available for chips that tend to stick together. Automatic De-oiling short, pourable chips Batch operation Up to 960 l/h Technical data Type/Model Productlink: http://cepa.de/en/vz_series Carl Padberg Zentrifugenbau GmbH Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Geroldsecker Vorstadt 60 77933 Lahr

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