Catalog excerpts

The DVR-1000 and DVR-1500 digital vacuum regulators provide precise measurement and control of vacuum at 300 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure. Vacuum set point can be altered to any value within the operational range of 28 mm Hg to 410 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure. Solid state components contain no hazardous mercury. Common Applications ■ Asphalt cement ■ Asphalt binders DVR-1000/DVR-1500 Digital Vacuum Regulators For Precise Measurement and Control of Vacuum at 300 mm Hg Below Atmospheric Pressure ASTM D2171 Product Features & Benefits Precise control of vaccum - Operating range: 28 mm Hg to 410 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure ± 0.5 mm Hg - Supplied with NIST certification of measurement accuracy - Comes preset to regulate vacuum at 300 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure (consistent with ASTM D2171 requirements) - Displays vacuum level in mm Hg or one of nine other units of measure Configurable to user-specific needs - Vacuum set point may be altered to fit customer specific application needs - Vacuum source: • DVR-1000 uses in-house laboratory vacuum • DVR-1500 uses a built-in vacuum pump - Horizontal and vertical orientations are available in both models - Horizontal orientation supports the weight of most constant temperature baths Safe, user-friendly design - Solid state components contain no hazardous mercury - Convenient keypad entry - CANNON reputation ensures reliability and dependable support 2139 High Tech Road | State College | PA | 16803 800-676-6232 | 814-353-8000 | Fax 814-353-8007 sales@cannoninstrument.com | www.cannoninstrument.com
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Ordering Information DVR-1000 an DVR-1500 Digital Vacuum Regulators consist of either a horizontally or vertically positioned vacuum regulator. The DVR-1500 also comes with a built-in vacuum pump. Both the DVR-1000 and the DVR-1500 are supplied with a NIST certification of measurement accuracy. Product Specifications Description Part # CANNON Instrument Company® provides a variety of physical property testing equipment and consumables (vials, bath fluids, and reference materials] for your testing needs. To learn more, contact sales@cannoninstrument.com. 2139 High Tech Road | State...
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