Group: Camozzi Group

Catalog excerpts

SERIES CP PROPORTIONAL SOLENOID VALVES Series CP directly operated proportional solenoid valves can be used where an open loop flow control is required, with gas mixtures or to control flows. Their cartridge design makes them particularly compact, thus they can be mounted directly near the workstation. Series CP valves have been designed to optimize dimensions and reduce friction and stick-slip effects. The output flow is proportional to the control signal. Apart from the pressure compensated version, these valves can work also in vacuum. A minimum working pressure is thus not required. 2/2-way NC Sizes: 16 and 20 mm High flow and great precision Low hysteresis Cartridge body Pressure compensated version (size 20mm only) available Suitable to work also with oxygen
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General data TECHNICAL FEATURES Size 20mm, 2/2 NC pressure compensated Operation Pneumatic connections Nominal diameters Free flow capacity Operating pressure Max overpressure Linearity (5-95%) Hysteresis Repeatibility Operating temperature Media proportional directly operated cartridge 1 - 1.5 - 2 mm 70 - 80 - 90 l/min 2.8 - 2 bar 16 bar 3% FS 10% FS 5% FS 10°C ÷ 50°C filtered compressed air, unlubricated, according to ISO 8573-1 class 7.4.4, inert gas. in any position proportional directly operated cartridge 3 - 3.5 mm 130 Nl/min - 150 Nl/min 180 Nl/min 2.8 - 2 bar 16 bar 5% FS 15% FS 5%...
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FLOW DIAGRAMS - size 16mm Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar) Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar) Nominal diameter 2mm Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar)
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FLOW DIAGRAMS - Size 20mm Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar) Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar) FLOW DIAGRAM - Size 20mm pressure compensated Nominal diameter 4.4mm Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) P1 = pressure in load (bar) P2 = 0 [ free flow pressure ] (bar) FS = full scale
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MAXIMUM FLOW ACCORDING TO THE INLET PRESSURE Q = Flow (Nl/min) P = Inlet pressure (bar) Q = Flow (Nl/min) P = Inlet pressure (bar) Size 20mm pressure compensated Q = Flow (Nl/min) P = Inlet pressure (bar)
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HYSTERESIS AND RESPONSE TIMES Q = flow (l/min) I = current (A) FS = full scale RESPONSE TIMES calculated according to the maximum flow at each operating pressure. [ Electromechanical response time: 10 ms ] ø Load response time (ms) Exhaust response time (ms) * in the pressure compensated version the counter pressure at the valve outlet must be always lower than 15-20% of the inlet pressure. Solenoid valves, size 16mm - dimensions
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Solenoid valves, size 20mm - dimensions Solenoid valves, size 20mm pressure compensated - dimensions Working nominal pressure: 2.8 bar
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Camozzi Automation S.p.A Società Unipersonale Via Eritrea, 20/I 25126 Brescia Italy Tel. +39 030 37921 Customer Service Tel. +39 030 3792790 service@camozzi.com Export Department Tel. +39 030 3792262 sales@camozzi.com A Camozzi Group Company
Open the catalog to page 8All CAMOZZI AUTOMATION catalogs and technical brochures
Short Form Catalogue
392 Pages
Handling solutions
12 Pages
Transportation Overview
24 Pages
Electric Actuation Overview
8 Pages
New Camozzi Solutions
24 Pages
GRIPfit - Push-in Fittings
16 Pages
Camozzi Automation Overview
20 Pages
36 Pages
Archived catalogs
12 Pages
Series 29 Mini ball valves
4 Pages
Electric actuation
116 Pages
Pneumatic actuation
333 Pages
Vacuum Components
76 Pages
132 Pages
Valves and Solenoid Valves
418 Pages
Fieldbus and Multipole Systems
260 Pages
Proportional Technology
82 Pages
Air treatment
234 Pages
Pneumatic connection
126 Pages
Training Simulators EN
20 Pages
Series 63 ISO 15552 cylinder EN
16 Pages
Handling solutions EN
8 Pages