Group: Camozzi Group

Catalog excerpts

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END LOCK CYLINDER ROBUST, SAFE AND EFFICIENT LOCKING OPTIONS*: · Automatic mechanical end-stroke lock in three options: · Front · Rear · Front & Rear END LOCK pneumatic cylinders are fitted with automatic essential to lock the cylinder’s position, both to mechanical end stroke locks which guarantee safe avoid sliding during long stops and in situations and secure holding of the cylinder rod in both with an absence of air, for example in transportation, the fully retracted and fully extended positions. printing & paper and the woodworking industry. The locks activate and release...
Open the catalog to page 2
END LOCK Cylinder / Series 63 LOCKING FEATURES: · Automatic unlocking without pilot inputs · Manual unlocking function · Integrated manual unlocking function with unhooking pin · Ability to deactivate the locking function (during machine set-up phase) BENEFITS Reliable and safe even under harsh environments Robust design for high reliability Increased machine performance Locking force greater than thrust force of cylinder (6bar) Reduced maintenance and set-up times Reliable automatic locking and unlocking functions Reduced installation times Locking/unlocking system easy to install and to...
Open the catalog to page 3
Cylinder variants The END LOCK cylinder Series 63 is available in different Its automatic mechanical lock makes the variants that enable its use even for applications in END LOCK cylinder highly suitable for industrial harsh environments or adverse working conditions. sectors like printing & paper or woodworking, where maximum safety is necessary because These configurations are mostly used in applications of the movement of material through lifting, that require robustness and reliability, such as stopping or pushing processes. the transportation sector, especially where trucks The...
Open the catalog to page 4
END LOCK Cylinder / Series 63 General data Type of construction Design Operation Type of mounting Stroke min - max profile (with screws) ISO 15552 double-acting with front / rear flange, foot mounting, with front / rear / centre / swivel trunnion 10 ÷ 2500 mm standard: 0°C ÷ 80°C (with dry air -20°C) high temperatures (version W): 0°C ÷ 150°C (with dry air -20°C) low temperatures (version Z): -40°C ÷ 60°C (with dry air -40°C) low temperatures (version Y): -50°C ÷ 60°C (with dry air -50°C) 0°C ÷ 80°C (with dry air -20°C) 2 ÷ 10 bar (standard, high and low temperatures) filtered air in class...
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Pneumatic symbols The pneumatic symbols indicated in the CODING EXAMPLE are shown below. LIST OF COMPONENTS standard manual release standard manual release “T” Low temperatures High temperatures (Z/Y) (W) Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium 3bis - End-cap without END LOCK Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium Anodized aluminium 6 - Piston seal 7 - Piston 8 - Cushion seal Zinc-plated...
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END LOCK Cylinder / Series 63 Manual unlocking function with M3 screw (not supplied) Manual unlocking: Remove the cover (fig. A), unscrew the filter (fig. B), screw an M3 screw into the locking piston (fig. C) and pull the screw to unlock the rod (fig. D) A Manual unlocking function with unhooking pin Integrated manual unlocking: Remove the external cover (fig. A) and pull the ring to unlock the rod (fig. B) A
Open the catalog to page 7
END LOCK cylinders Series 63, profile, double-acting, FL-type + = add the stroke * unlocking type “T” front cushioning rear cushioning front cushioning rear cushioning END LOCK cylinders Series 63, profile, double-acting, BL-type + = add the stroke * locking type “T”
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END LOCK Cylinder / Series 63 END LOCK cylinders Series 63, profile, double-acting, DL-type + = add the stroke * locking type “T” front/rear cushion stroke END LOCK cylinders Series 63 with protective bellow
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Accessories Opposed cylinder coupler Mod. DC-63 Front and rear flange Mod. D-E Rear female trunnion Mod. C and C-H Front female trunnion Mod. H and C-H Rear male trunnion Mod. L Front/rear spot faced trunnion Mod. FN Centre trunnion Mod. F-63 for cylinders, FL-type Centre trunnion Mod. F-63 for cylinders, BL-type Centre trunnion Mod. F-63 for cylinders, DL-type Mod. F-32 F-40 F-50 F-63 Accessory combination Mod. C+L+S
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END LOCK Cylinder / Series 63 Counter bracket for centre trunnion Mod. BF Swivel ball joint Mod. GA Piston rod socket joint Mod. GY Screws and locking screws Mod. KR
Open the catalog to page 11
Contacts Camozzi Automation S.p.A. Società Unipersonale Via Eritrea, 20/I 25126 Brescia Italy Tel. +39 030 37921 info@camozzi.com Customer Service Tel. +39 030 3792790 service@camozzi.com Export Department Tel. +39 030 3792262 sales@camozzi.com A Camozzi Group Company
Open the catalog to page 12All CAMOZZI AUTOMATION catalogs and technical brochures
Short Form Catalogue
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Handling solutions
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Transportation Overview
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Electric Actuation Overview
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New Camozzi Solutions
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GRIPfit - Push-in Fittings
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Camozzi Automation Overview
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36 Pages
Archived catalogs
Series 29 Mini ball valves
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Electric actuation
116 Pages
Pneumatic actuation
333 Pages
Vacuum Components
76 Pages
132 Pages
Valves and Solenoid Valves
418 Pages
Fieldbus and Multipole Systems
260 Pages
Proportional Technology
82 Pages
Air treatment
234 Pages
Pneumatic connection
126 Pages
Training Simulators EN
20 Pages
Series 63 ISO 15552 cylinder EN
16 Pages
Handling solutions EN
8 Pages