Group: Camozzi Group

Catalog excerpts

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SERIES KL - KLE HIGH FLOW RATES IN A COMPACT DESIGN BENEFITS Reduced installation times Easy and flexible to install in the system Energy efficient Enhanced machine performance and productivity High reliability Components compliant with medical devices Compact design and reduced weight for portable devices 02 Large range of models (2/2, 3/2, UNI) with compact dimensions Electrical connectors with monostable or bistable manual override High flow rate compared to its size Extended version for further improved performance More than 90 million cycles
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Series KL - KLE / Direct acting solenoid valve The latest Series KL and KLE miniaturised 10mm The body size and overall dimensions of both versions solenoid valves have been designed for industrial have been designed to allow easy integration applications and medical devices that require with manifold systems or subbases and to be quickly high flow rates and pressures within compact installed on devices and machines. dimensions. Series KL and KLE are available in different models Its compact design, reduced weight and low to satisfy any application across all the main sectors energy...
Open the catalog to page 3
Camozzi Automation S.p.A. Società Unipersonale Via Eritrea, 20/I 25126 Brescia Italy Tel. +39 030 37921 info@camozzi.com Customer Service Tel. +39 030 3792790 service@camozzi.com Export Department Tel. +39 030 3792253 sales@camozzi.com A Camozzi Group Company
Open the catalog to page 4All CAMOZZI AUTOMATION catalogs and technical brochures
Short Form Catalogue
392 Pages
Handling solutions
12 Pages
Transportation Overview
24 Pages
Electric Actuation Overview
8 Pages
New Camozzi Solutions
24 Pages
GRIPfit - Push-in Fittings
16 Pages
Camozzi Automation Overview
20 Pages
36 Pages
Archived catalogs
12 Pages
Series 29 Mini ball valves
4 Pages
Electric actuation
116 Pages
Pneumatic actuation
333 Pages
Vacuum Components
76 Pages
132 Pages
Valves and Solenoid Valves
418 Pages
Fieldbus and Multipole Systems
260 Pages
Proportional Technology
82 Pages
Air treatment
234 Pages
Pneumatic connection
126 Pages
Training Simulators EN
20 Pages
Series 63 ISO 15552 cylinder EN
16 Pages
Handling solutions EN
8 Pages