CAMCO Product Catalog (North America)
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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 1

Automation Z X z o ■D o PRECISION LINK CONVEYORS en (CflmCO FERGUSON April 2008 Posilioning our customers for productivily.

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 2

IMC Table of Contents INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, U.C. Industrial Motion Control, L.L.C. Օ (847) 459-5200 1

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 3

iMC Quality Policy INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LUC. Quality Policy Industrial Motion Control, LLC designs and builds motion control components for integrators and users of automation equipment. Our objective is to serve this industry by providing the best value in products and services to our customers. To accomplish this, Industrial Motion Control, LLC is committed to continuai improvement in our overall business performance. Industrial Motion Control, L.L.C. Օ (847) 459-5200

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 4

'iMC I Introduction INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, U.C. Introduction Industrial Motion Control, LLC (IMC), headquartered in Wheeling, IL USA, is a leading manufacturer of precision cam-actuated index drives, parts handlers, in-line conveyors and custom cams. IMC Headquarters European Headquarters (Ferguson S.A.) Wheeling, Illinois USA Braine-le-Chteau, Belgium Formed by the merger of Commercial Cam Co. and Ferguson Machine Co., IMC offers the widest range of products in the industry. With over 100 years of experience and significant investments in personnel and capital equipment, IMC is unique...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 5

IMC Introduction INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LLC. Introduction (continued) IMC serves designers, builders and users of specialty automation equipment worldwide with manufacturing facilities in both North American and Europe. Sales offices are in North & South America, Asia and Europe. IMC Headquarters Industrial Motion Control, LLC 1444 South Wolf Road Wheeling, IL 60090 USA Tel: 847-459-5200 Fax: 847-465-3042 E-Mail: IMC Michigan 550 Forest Avenue Unit #14 Plymouth, MI 48170 Tel: 734-459-8080 Fax: 734-459-8110 European Headquarters European...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 6

iMC Introduction INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LLC. Introduction (continued) IMC has a full staff of technically trained sales engineers and applications engineers to help select and specify the appropriate components for each specific machine design application. Proprietary software ensures that components are selected to meet the customers' require-ments for accuracy, speed, load capacity and life expectancy.

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 7

INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LUC. Introduction Introduction (continued) Industrial Motion Control provides: ♦ Quality. Our manufacturing plants adhre to ISO-9001:2000 standards in all manufacturing and business functions. Our CNC milling and grinding equipment is state-of-the-art. ♦ Value. Through superior product design and investment in the best production equipment and facilities both in North America and Europe. ♦ Service. IMC provides application engineering assistance as well as in-field service and repair. Our delivery lead times are very competitive, supporting customers who demand...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 9

Engineering iMC INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LUC. Cam-actuated motion control is a specialized business. In a 4 to 5-year university curriculum for mechanical engineering, most students spend only a few weeks studying cams and their related mechanisms. In addition to continuing academic research, many advances in cam technology have been made by companies and employees involved in the commercial application of these products. This engineering section provides the basic concepts necessary for machine designers to wisely choose the best cam solutions for their application. There are some good...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 10

IMC Engineering INDUSTRIAL MOTION COIfTROL, LUC What is Indexing? Indexing can be linear or rotary. As defined by IMC, indexing is the process of starting and stopping in prթcise intervais at precise locations. Why Cam-Actuated Index Drives? The advantages of cam-controlled motion are obvious and effectively demonstrated in everyday life by the camshaft found in automobile engines. No other technology can provide comparable speed, prcision, repeatability, load capability and reliability. Cam-driven mechanisms require little or no maintenance and are capable of moving, with precision, a wide...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 11

Engineering A Controlled Indexing is comprised of three sections or phases: acclration, peak velocity and d驩clra驭tion. To optimize the transition from one phase to the next, several standard motion profiles have been developed. They include Cycloidal, Modifid Sin and Modifi驩d Trapzoidal. In special circumstances, the motion required calls out for certain positions and/or velocities at certain times in the index cycle. Special Polynomial curves can be constructed for these applications. In other applications, the peak velocity needs to match the velocity of another component of the machine -...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 12

IMC Engineering INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LLC Types of Index Drives IMC manufactures all three types of index drive geometries: Roller Gear, Right Angle, and Parallel. Roller Gear perpendicular to the output shaft. With this right angle configuration, it is possible to provide an optional large through-hole along the axis of the output shaft, or design a large output flange to accept dials (dial mounting). Large cam diameters relative to the output follower wheel allow for a wide rande of special motions, short motion periods and a large output displacement for relatively smaller input...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 13

IMC Engineering INDUSTRIAL MOTION CONTROL, LUC. A Types of Index Drives (continued) Parallel This family of indexers use a pair of conjugate plate cams with yoke-mounted followers mounted parallel to the axis of the output. The input shaft is parallel to the output shaft. With this parallel configuration, there are no ribs on the cam as found on Roller Gear and Right Angle indexers. Also unique to the Parallel family is no reversal of the cam followers. Since they rotate in the same direction throughout the index cycle, index rates of over 1000 indexes per minute are possible. Without...

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CAMCO Product Catalog (North America) - 14

Engineering A Within each family type (Roller Gear, Right Angle, Parallel), IMC offers more than a dozen diffrent sizes of index drives. The first consideration when choosing an index drive type is mounting requirements and the geometry of the driven member. The mounting requirements usually determine the type of indexer and then size is selected. Often the geometry (size of dial, for example) helps determine the initial choice. The index drive size is verified through data sheet calculations. All IMC indexers are designed and rated to have a B10 life of 8,000 hours on the followers and...

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