Catalog excerpts

A work process combining an in-depth study of the industry and professional footwear featuring solutions since 1999. We develop comprehensive biomechanical highly breathable, lightweight, extraordinarily long-lasting experiments have led us to create a durable models with antistatic, collection specificaly designed for non-slip soles and a design that accessories tailored to the needs of helps combat fatigue by offering our customers, in accordance with a Industry and various fields in the maximum comfort and rest. commitment to permanent service Health Sector, including Healthcare, and a...
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LEAVE A FOOTPRINT, BUT NOT ENVIRONMENTAL At Calzados Robusta we know that the quality of our life at work emissions and discharges, offset part of our carbon footprint with the "Calculate, Reduce and Compensate" committed to preserving and caring Ministry for Ecological Transition reducing the environmental footprint of our processes. This commitment Development Goals. to sustainability incorporates eco design as a strategic competitiveness factor to optimize processes and reduce environmental impact throughout the product life cycle (UNE 14040 - UNE 150301). It is a global process that not...
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R OBU STA H O SP ITAL IT Y, HOT E L S A ND RESTAURA NT S COL LECTION Carmen Negro 90200 (without toecap) 90203 (with toecap) Sole Upper 90226 (with toecap) Sole Upper Sole Upper Carlota Negro 90224 (without toecap) Polyurethane and nitrile rubber Technical fabric María Blanco 34-48 EU • 2-13 UK Interior height: 65 mm (± 5%) PU TPU Grain cow leather H OSP ITAL IT Y, H OT E LS AND RESTAURA NT S COL LECT ION Sole Upper
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María Negro Unisex Sole Upper Ana Micro Negro 34-48 EU • 2-13 UK Interior height: 65 mm (± 5%) PU TPU Grain cow leather Technical microfibre Stand Men’s María Micro Negro 35-48 EU • 2–13 UK Interior height: 65 mm (± 5%) Sole PU+Nitrile rubber 34-48 EU • 2-13 UK Interior height: 65 mm (± 5%) PU2D Technica
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R OBU STA H O SP ITAL IT Y, HOT E L S A ND RESTAURA NT S COL LECTION Cloud White 3M 92561 OB+SRC+E Upper/Sole 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog Low density PU coated with microfibre Cloud White Blue 3M Cloud White Pink 3M 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog Non-stick SBS folding Low density PU coated with microfibre Low density PU coated with microfibre H OSP ITAL IT Y, H OT E L S AND RESTAURA NT S COL LECT ION
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Cloud Black 3M 92564 OB+SRC+E Upper/Sole Cloud Black Blue 3M 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog Low density PU coated with microfibre Low density PU coated with microfibre Cloud Navy 3M 92560 OB+SRC+E Upper/Sole 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog Low density PU coated with microfibre
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R OBU STA H O SP ITAL IT Y, HOT E L S A ND RESTAURA NT S COL LECTION Cloud White 4M 92567 OB+SRC+E Last generation monocoque EVA clog EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts Low density PU coated with microfibre Cloud White Blue 4M Cloud White Pink 4M Last generation monocoque EVA clog Last generation monocoque EVA clog EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts Non-stick SBS folding Low density PU coated with microfibre Low density PU coated with microfibre H OSP ITAL IT Y, H OT E LS AND RESTAURA NT S COL LECT ION
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Cloud Black 4M 92570 OB+SRC+E Cloud Black Blue 4M 35-46 EU 2-11 UK Last generation monocoque EVA clog Last generation monocoque EVA clog EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts Low density PU coated with microfibre Low density PU coated with microfibre Cloud Navy 4M 92566 OB+SRC+E Last generation monocoque EVA clog EVA with special non-slip nitrile rubber inserts Low density PU coated with microfibre
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R OBU STA H O SP ITAL IT Y, HOT E L S A ND RESTAURA NT S COL LECTION Coolmax® ankle socks 80011 White Ayr Integral Low insole Individual pack 80842 Azul Genova X Max insole Individual pack 80843 Negro
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Ayr Preventia® insole Individual pack Ayr Integral High insole Individual pack
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R OBU STA H O SP ITAL IT Y, HOT E L S A ND RESTAURA NT S COL LECTION Cloud Strap 80834 Cloud White Strap 80833 Cloud Pink Strap 80832 Cloud Black Strap 80831 Cloud Navy Strap 80830 Cloud Blue Strap Cloud Insole 80829 Cloud White-Grey insole 80827 Cloud Black insole 80826 Cloud Navy insole 80825 Cloud Blue-Marine insole 80828 Cloud Pink-Fucsia insole H OSP ITALIT Y, H OT E LS A ND RE STAURA NT S COLL ECT I ON
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Ctra. de Préjano, 72. Apdo. Correos 103. 26580 Arnedo (La Rioja) España +34 941 38 54 11 robusta@robusta.es
Open the catalog to page 14All Calzados Robusta S.L. catalogs and technical brochures
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