Catalog excerpts

WLR/S & WLR/L - Radar Hydrometer WLR is a radar sensor for a con nuous level measurement, suitable for use in liquids and solids. In par cular, WLR is a useful device for water level measurement in streams, rivers, reservoirs, water treatment systems, pumping sta ons, reservoirs and in many other contexts also thanks to a high degree of protec on. As all CAEtech products, WLR is an extremely resistant product requiring li le and easy maintenance thanks to its compact design, the absence of parts immersed in water or mechanical moving parts and the use of self-monitoring and diagnos c systems. The device transmits a radar signal through its antenna which is reflected by the liquid and reapplied by the antenna as an echo with a modified frequency. The frequency varia on is propor onal to the distance and is converted to the level's height of the water. The independence from temperature and humidity varia ons, typical of radar technology, allows accurate measurements in all weather condi ons
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION WLR is easy to use and thanks to the built-in Bluetooth module it can be wireless calibrated with a PC, but also with smartphones and tablets through a specific app also useful to perform diagnos c opera ons. To best meet different applica on needs, WLR radar hydrometer is available in a short-range version: WLR/S with a measuring range up to 15 m and in a long-range version: WLR/L with a measuring range up to 30 m. Technical data Measuring range Accuracy Temperature range Frequency Measurement cycle time Bounce response time Irradiation angle Output Type of protection...
Open the catalog to page 2All CAE S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
PG10 & PG10R Rain Gauge
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Heated Rain Gauge PG2R
4 Pages
Rain Gauge PG2
4 Pages
Datalogger Mhaster
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2 Pages
2 Pages
Thermo-Hygrometer THS
2 Pages
Radar Water Level Sensor LPR
2 Pages
Camera Eagle
1 Pages