Catalog excerpts

ACTI‐Link ACTI‐Link is a communica on device dedicated to the remote ac va on of monitoring and alert system components that require the remote ac va on or deac va on of instruments for the dissemina on of audible or visual alarms or for the prohibi on of vehicular traffic. An example could be the management of a traffic light installed in the vicinity of a hydrometric monitoring sta on situated in a floodable stretch of road. In par cular, the closure of a contact on the input of a device or the command issued on the serial port also occurs on the remote device to which it is connected via radio. In the event of exceeding the cri cal threshold of any of the parameters measured, thanks to ACTI‐Link it is possible to send a command via a radio signal. This signal is able to cover more than 5 km in op mal condi ons, propaga ng itself through point‐to‐point or point‐mul point type communica ons and ac va ng all the “target” modules that cons tute the alarm system. The distance in ques on can be extended using ACTI‐Link repeaters. Each network of ACTI‐Link modules can contain numerous devices and can be divided into several groups, which can be ac vated independently or simultaneously and, for example, may allow the network to be divided according to spa al (e.g. East area, West area, etc.) and typological (traffic lights, sirens, motorised barriers, etc.) criteria. The ACTI‐Link module has been developed to perform, also simultaneously, several func ons: Ac vator: a signal arrives from a digital input (e.g. relay) and is repeated by radio to other ACTI‐Link modules. Component actuator: a signal arrives from another ACTI‐Link device and causes the commuta on of a digital output. Repeater from and to other modules: a signal arrives from another ACTI‐Link device and is repeated via radio. PC interface: the device connects to a PC and, using so ware developed ad hoc, manages syst
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ACTI-Link radio modules operate using UHF radio modules, belonging to the SRD category, in the frequency range 868-870 MHz divided into 126 channels (in accordance with ETS 300220-2) with GFSK modulation. They can therefore be freely used without the need for any license. Each module has 4 inputs and 4 outputs, all digital, which can automatically give rise to as many pre-set actions, depending on the evolution of the monitored risk scenario. The 4 digital outputs are implemented through the use of a solid state relay whose main features are: long life and the possibility to be connected in...
Open the catalog to page 2All CAE S.p.A. catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
PG10 & PG10R Rain Gauge
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Heated Rain Gauge PG2R
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Rain Gauge PG2
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Datalogger Mhaster
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Thermo-Hygrometer THS
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Radar Water Level Sensor LPR
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Camera Eagle
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