Push-Pull Cable - Standard
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Push-Pull Cable - Standard - 1

Description: Push-Pull Standard Industrial Control Cable Assembly Applications: Implement controlՕ Throttle control PTO/4WD activation Օ Valve actuation Remote battery disconnectՕ Remote electrical disconnect Transmission shift Օ Hydrostatic drives Latches Features: Օ Wide temperature range-65F З 230F (Bristow) -65аF 230װF (Utility) -65F З 230F (Low Friction EXT)-65аF 310װF (Low Friction) Tough/durable materials Օ Long lasting seals Environmentally protected Tuthill Controls offers a full range of push-pull controls that providea means of transmitting linear motion from one location to another. They offer ease of installation as well as superior performance. > The Bristow > ծ Type control is an economical construction for applications which do not require tight bend radii, and are temper- ature rated for use from a low of -65F to a peak of +230аF. The Utility Style adds a binder wire forstructural integrity and a tighter minimum bend radius than other controls. Low Friction EXT > Arrows indicate relative position within the family of products Low Friction controls provide the stan-dard of excellence for industrial controls.Features include a binder wire for structural integrity, tight minimum bend radius, and PTFE covered innermember for the ultimate in efficient, smooth operation. Temperature rated for use from a low of -65F to a peak of +310аF, they will provide long life in the most demanding applications. controls have thesame advantages as utility with an added plastic covered innermember which provides improved efficiency. > Bend Strength Service Temp Radius Integrity Economy Efficiency Life Bristow Utility LF-EXT LF COMPARISON CHART

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Push-Pull Cable - Standard - 2

The Cablecraft > Time Proven Design Η The design of today's Cablecraft control has evolved from over 54 years experience in meeting a wide variety of industrial, ordnance, marine and aircraft applications. Combined with careful selection of materials and fabrication methods, this design provides users the most versatile, highest quality control available today. > SUPPORT TUBEGROOVED CONDUIT CAPINNERMEMBERSWIVELEND RODROD END WIPER SEALSWIVEL SEALCONDUITTHREADED CONDUIT CAP End Rod and Support Tube All standard Cablecraft controls may be ordered with either type 300 stainless steel or...

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Push-Pull Cable - Standard - 3

Input Force = (Output Load x Total Degrees of Bend x Efficiency Factor) + Output Load A DimensionMinimumWorkingMaximumA Dimension GroovedTravelInputInputThreaded Swivel (in)Push-PullLoad (lbs)Overload Swivel (in) > (control at mid travel) (in)Push-Pull(lbs) > (control at mid travel) VLD 3.691 80/120120/1804.38 Very Light Duty 5.192 80/120 120/180 5.876.693 > L A .12.56 MIN.56 MIN ѕEXT Efficiency Factor = .001 > .79 MINFULL THD#10-32 UNF-2A7/16-20 UNF-2A.25 ROOT DIA.13 WIDEMID TRAVELMID TRAVEL A .12 Note:Efficiency willbe slightly reducedin applications when output load is substantially...

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