Food sampling liquids
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Food sampling liquids - 1

Pumps | Sampling | Plastic Labware for Laboratory, Industry, Science TOPSELLERS FOOD SAMPLING – LIQUIDS AND VISCOUS SUBSTANCES Do you want to know what’s on your plate? So do your customers! Food scandals show us almost daily that food sampling is not con sidered sufficiently in many nterprises, particularly when inspecting e i ncoming goods. Samples must be taken regularly, ecause products can b only be as good as the raw materials they are made of. You can carry out very precise material analyses using the most modern techniques. However, if a mistake is made in sampling then even these modern techniques are useless because the nitial sampling error is i c arried through all the steps of the analysis and incorrect results will be obtained. Thus is the conclusion: Take samples – but do it right! DispoDipper Sampling tube manufactured in a clean room specially designed for disposable use. Due to the blue color, it is also perfect for use in the food, animal feed and pharmaceutical indus tries. The scaled sample container can be used for an exact measurement. After sampling, the container can be closed and is leakproof. The closed handle structure ensures secure hand ling. The sample container is available with 50 ml/1.5 oz, 100 ml/3.5 oz. or 250 ml/8.0 oz. content. Depending on the design, container openings can be sampled from a diameter of 52 mm (2.05 in.) (2” barrel opening), 65 mm (2.56 in.) or 85 mm (3.35 in.). This makes D ispoDipper ideal for extracting samples from barrels, canisters and other containers. DispoDipper is completely manufactured in one piece and can be used for sampling and subsequent transport of the sample in one d evice. In this way, cross-contamination or sample impurities are impossible. ` PP, blue transparent ` Individually packaged and optionally s terilized by gamma rays ` Production and packaging according to clean room class 7 ` Complies with EU food requirements and FDA regulations ` Scaled sampling tube volume in ml and oz. ` Immersion depth 270 mm (10.63 in.) Model standard sterilized standard sterilized standard sterilized

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Food sampling liquids - 2

TOPSELLERS LiquiDispo The LiquiDispo disposable sampler can be used to take samples of liquids from highly liquid to slightly viscous. An ergonomic handle makes it easier to draw the sample: up to 200 ml (6.76 oz.) can be drawn, as with a syringe. LiquiDispo Length mm (in.) 500 (19.69) 500 (19.69) 1000 (39.37) 1000 (39.37) ` No seals ` Clean room manufactured, individually packaged ` Optionally sterilized by gamma rays ` Opening diameter 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) ` Ø 21 mm (0.83 in.) Material HDPE HDPE/ sterilized HDPE HDPE/ sterilized LiquiSampler | sample collector for liquids LiquiSampler for...

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Food sampling liquids - 3

TOPSELLERS ViscoSampler | sample collector for medium viscosity substances ViscoSampler with powerful suction for v iscous media. The media is drawn up and discharged using the suction flask. Made of ultra-pure, chemically inert PTFE/FEP for c ontamination-free sampling. Specially developed for viscous substances such as slurries, silt, wet clay and soil s amples, soil sediments, oils, emulsions, creams etc. Easy cleaning – all surfaces are poreless and without crevices. Dirt accumulation is pre vented. Only round screw threads tried and tested in the field of food hygiene are used....

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Food sampling liquids - 4

Burkle Inc. 155 Keyland Court | Bohemia, NY 11716 Phone +1-631-750-3772 Fax +1-631-750-3773 | Stainless steel scoop Ladle, long handle, disposable In contrast to conventional scoops, the stain less steel scoop has no openings, undercuts or crevices in which residues could collect. Porefree finishing produced by high-quality laser welding seams. The stainless steel scoop can be flame-sterilised and can therefore be made completely germ-free. The ladle has a very smooth bottom and round ed corners. This makes it possible to reach into any corner of a...

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