Process and Control Valves
1 / 39Pages

Catalog excerpts

Process and Control Valves - 1

Product Overview SOLENOID VALVES

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Process and Control Valves - 2

Overview Bürkert Program 6 Overview process valves Continuous Control On/Off Control Electromotive 14 Valve bodies Connections & Materials Angle seat (continuous & On/Off) Globe (continuous & On/Off) Diaphragm (continuous & On/Off) Additional body solutions 28 Valve Actuators Manual Pneumatic CLASSIC Pneumatic ELEMENT Pneumatic Dual Pneumatic Rotary Electrical Rotary Electromotive 4 2 Valve automation and communication Positioner – Electropneumatic – Continous Control – Electromotive – Continous Control Control Heads – Electropneumatic – On/Off Control – Electromotive – On/Off Control...

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Process and Control Valves - 3

Fascination Bürkert Welcome to the Fascinating World of Fluid Control Systems Bürkert Product Program Measurement and control: When it comes to working with liquids and gases, we are at your side – as a manufacturer We are one of the few suppliers on the market to cover the complete control loop. Our current product range of sophisticated products, as a problem-solver with an eye for the big picture, and as a partner offering you reliable extends from solenoid valves through process and analytical valves to pneumatic actuators and sensors. advice. Since we started in 1946, we have developed...

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Process and Control Valves - 4

Bürkert | Process Valves Make Your Perfect Valve Making your life simpler, our groundbreaking innovation has created a remarkable range of attractive and hardworking valve elements which can be combined to give the user the best possible fit for purpose. With unlimited modularity, Bürkert saves you time by offering valves for media from slurries to steam and from de-ionized water to hydrochloric acid to offer peace of mind with the sure knowledge you have chosen experience and quality. Automation units Valve actuator (manual, Pneumatic or electromotive) Valve body Overview Process Valves

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Process and Control Valves - 5

Overview Process Valves Bürkert | Process Valves Pneumatic actuation – Continuous control To make sure your work runs hitch-free, Bürkert provides a perfectly harmonized system: Our control valves are endued with an integrated position or process controller which guarantees functional safety, a long actuator service life and consistently high regulating quality. The system is well known for providing an optimal control precision and for its unique ELEMENT design with integrated control air routing. By being independent of external tubing, we ensure an easy and safe installation. Positioners...

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Process and Control Valves - 6

Overview Process Valves Bürkert | Process Valves Pneumatic actuation – On/Off control To meet all of our customers' individual requirements, we offer a wide product range of on/off control valves with integrated control heads or cost effective pneumatic control units. The compact and light weight design with fully integrated automation functionality is a main advantage. Futhermore it is designed and optimized for decentralized process automation. Pneumatic control units and control heads for integrated mounting on process valves Type 8691 Control head On/Off Process valves ELEMENT Series...

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Process and Control Valves - 7

Overview Process Valves Bürkert | Process Valves Electromotive actuation – Continuous and On/Off control To ensure the best solution for every application and customer need, the modular concept allows any combination of different valve bodies and process interfaces. As high efficiency is extremely important, this concept has no need of compressed air. That is why it is ideal for mobile applications, where compressed air is limited or unavailable. To guarantee flexibility and safety, we provide an adaptable universal actuator for all valve types. Electromotive valve actuator (EVA) with...

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Process and Control Valves - 8

Valve bodies Bürkert | Process Valves Valve body variants We assist you to choose the correct valve for your application. Starting with the body you can select valves to control slurries, steam, aggressive liquids and materials which must remain pure. We offer four main methods for controlling fluids from our world renowned angle seat pattern to a range of quarter turn solutions. The choice is yours… Angle seat Additional Body Solutions H ▪ igh quality stainless steel bodies for High flow rates Tight shutoff High cycle life Best control characteristics 2 or 3 way versions Compact design...

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Process and Control Valves - 9

Burkert I Process Valves Valve bodies Body Connections Body Materials We build a vast array of valves for a dispersed and diverse global process control market. Regional and industry based requirements are taken care of by our internal modular simplicity. No matter where you are in the world and which industry norm you are trying to meet, we have your connection. Our core competencies include modelling, machining and molding a vast array of engineering materials. We can supply materials compatibility advice and we know the material requirements inside many application environments. Our...

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Process and Control Valves - 10

Valve bodies Bürkert | Process Valves Angle Seat Continuous Control Valves Angle Seat On/Off Valves An uncomplicated control valve with large flows perfectly The ideal alternative to complex actuated ball valves, the suited to steam, heat exchange and flow control applica- Neutral gases, water, alcohol, oils, fuel, hydraulic mediums, salt solution, alkali solutions, organic solvents, steam, optional variants for oxygen and fuel gas tions. Our groundbreaking innovation provides you with superior features as standard. Bürkert has continuously improved its angle seat control valve to meet our...

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Process and Control Valves - 11

Valve bodies Bürkert | Process Valves Globe On/Off Valves Globe Continuous Control Valves A winning solution for many demanding control applications, the globe control valve is the standard in many industries. Neutral gases, water, alcohol, oils, fuel, hydraulic mediums, salt solution, alkali solutions, organic solvents, steam, optional variants for oxygen and fuel gas Bürkert’s idea is to take the standard to a new level in an compact, light weight envelope. These valves exhibit effective valve characteristics for continuous variation of the flow as a Valve Body Stainless steel Port...

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All BÜRKERT FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures

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  5. Type 8605

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  11. Type 2300

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  18. 6240

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  24. Type 0142

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  25. Type 0117

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  26. Type 0293

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  27. AirLINE SP

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  28. Clean Steam

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  29. steam products

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Archived catalogs

  1. Type 6281

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  2. 6281

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