Catalog excerpts

INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSION PROTECTION ectanguiar txpios Vent with Vacuum Support Safety Frame Visit www.BSBsystems.com or www.BSB.ie for the Most Complete, up-to-date Information
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VENT-SAF™ EXPLOSION PANELS An explosion results from ignition of a combustible material (dust, gas or vapor) when mixed with oxygen present in the air. When this takes place inside a process or storage enclosure, the rapid rise in pressure developed will exert destructive forces within a few milliseconds that will place both personnel and equipment at risk. Most materials handling, processing and storage equipment is not designed to resist the pressure of a deflagration*. Only equipment designed to resist the maximum pressure (Pmax) developed by the combustion process will survive - such...
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Features and Benefits Vent-Saf Explosion Panels feature both round and rectangular vents designed to be held in place by safety frames. Safety Frames are available in two designs. The first bolts directly onto the structure. The second is designed to be welded onto the structure. Burst Tolerance The burst tolerance is +0.25psig (+0.017 barg.) Markings A tag is affixed to the discharge side of the vent and marked with a minimum-maximum burst range. Example: A vent with a nominal burst pressure of 1psig (0.069 barg) will be tagged 0.75 psig (0.052barg) to Type EXP, a flat vent with a slotted...
Open the catalog to page 3
RECTANGULAR EXP, EXP/V EXPLOSION VENT Welded Installation Bolted Installation Bolted Installation Welded Installation BS&B Safety Systems Limited Raheen Business Park Limerick, Ireland Email, sales@tasb.ie BS&B Pressure Safety Management. L.L.C. Email: saies@bsbsystems.com BS&B Safety Systems (Asia Pacific} Pte Lta 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65 #03-19 TECH POINT Email: sales@bsbipd.com Website: www.bsbipd.com BSSB Safety Systems Discos De Ruptura LTDA Email: saiesigbsbcrasil.com BSSB Safety Systems (Japan) Co.. Ltd Products specifications and all data in this literature are subject to change...
Open the catalog to page 4All BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
GLP-S™ Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
LO-TO-FLO™ Safety Head
2 Pages
Buckling Pin Relief Technology
12 Pages
Burst Disk Monitors™ (BDM)
4 Pages
Burst Alert® Sensor
4 Pages
VIS-U-TEC™ Sensor
2 Pages
Type D
8 Pages
Tank Car Rupture Disks
2 Pages
Rupture Disk
12 Pages
Introduction to Rupture Disk
14 Pages
Corporate Profile
20 Pages
The VAC-SAF? System
12 Pages
SAF-T-GRAF? Graphite Disks
4 Pages
SURE-SAF? System
4 Pages
ECO-SAF? System
8 Pages
GCR-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
BIO-SAF? System
16 Pages
GCR-N? Reverse Buckling Disk
1 Pages
GLP-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
4 Pages
MRB series
1 Pages
4 Pages
VENT-SAF? Explosion Vents
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
Nu-Saf Plus
8 Pages
Type B
8 Pages
Conversion Factors
2 Pages
SR-TC Rupture Disk
2 Pages
Composite Bursting Disc Type D
12 Pages
SKR-U Reverse Buckling Disk
4 Pages
The STA-SAF System
12 Pages
Mono Block Graphite Disks
8 Pages