Catalog excerpts

Pretorqued Safety Head The SRI-7RS™ is a pre-torqued safety head designed for ease of handling and installation. The BS&B signature ‘bite-seal’ is present in all nominal sizes, optimizing leak tightness. The visible and accessible cap screws allow user confirmation of their presence and verification of applied torque in service. The unique shape of the SRI-7RS safety head enables excellent centering inside the bolt circle to maximize flow. Standard Materials 316 stainless steel, carbon steel, Monel® Alloy 400, Inconel® Alloy 600 and Hastelloy® C-276 . Hastelloy® is a trademark of Haynes International Inc. Monel® and Inconel® are trademarks of Special Metals Corporation. Rupture Disk installed in a 1” (DN 25) SRI-7RS • Pretorqued cap screws energize the seal between the rupture disk and safety head, independent of companion flange stud torque. • Asymmetric locating pins center the rupture disk within the safety head. • A j-bolt on the inlet side of the safety head ensures proper directional orientation between companion flanges. • Locating pins are arranged to ensure that rupture disks are installed in the correct orientation within the safety head. • The rupture disk dome is fully protected within the safety head inlet to avoid damage during installation in the piping system. • The proprietary ‘bite seal’ is standard for SRI-7RS in all nominal sizes 1” thru 8” (DN 25 to DN 200). The bite feature optimizes sealing between the rupture disk and the process (inlet) side of the safety head. Rupture disk types for use in SRI-7RS safety heads Sigma LPS FRS Sigma EXL S-90 FRL SKR JRS RLS Note: Safety head choices for the above includes SRI-7RS, SRB-7RS and SRB-7FS. SRI-7RS Safety Head Specifications Size Safety Head Thickness Without Rupture Disk Safety Head Flange Rating * Available for ANSI 600# with adapter ring. Consult BS&
Open the catalog to page 1
Flange Bolt Patterns ANSI / ASME B16.5 150lb configurations shown. 1” (DN 25) SRI-7RS * 3” (DN 80), 4” (DN 100) and 8” (DN 200) not suitable for use with JIS 10 flanges. Limerick, Ireland T: +353 61 484700 F: +353 61 304774 E: sales@bsb.ie Visit our website for the most complete, up-to-date information Products, specifications and all data in this literature are subject to change without notice. Questions regarding product selection and specifications for specific applications should be directed to BS&B. All sales are subject to the BS&B companies’ standard terms and conditions of sale....
Open the catalog to page 2All BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
GLP-S™ Reverse Buckling Disk
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LO-TO-FLO™ Safety Head
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VENT-SAF™ Explosion Panels
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Buckling Pin Relief Technology
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Burst Disk Monitors™ (BDM)
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Burst Alert® Sensor
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VIS-U-TEC™ Sensor
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Type D
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Tank Car Rupture Disks
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Rupture Disk
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Introduction to Rupture Disk
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Corporate Profile
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The VAC-SAF? System
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SAF-T-GRAF? Graphite Disks
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SURE-SAF? System
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ECO-SAF? System
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GCR-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
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BIO-SAF? System
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GCR-N? Reverse Buckling Disk
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GLP-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
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MRB series
1 Pages
4 Pages
VENT-SAF? Explosion Vents
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4 Pages
2 Pages
Nu-Saf Plus
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Type B
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Conversion Factors
2 Pages
SR-TC Rupture Disk
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Composite Bursting Disc Type D
12 Pages
SKR-U Reverse Buckling Disk
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The STA-SAF System
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Mono Block Graphite Disks
8 Pages