Catalog excerpts

NORTH AMERICAN EDITION. CATALOG 77-1003 SECTION B BSaB SAFETY SYSTEMS, L L C. RUPTURE DISK SELECTION GUIDE its affiliates offer a broad range of rupture disks. All act as relief devices which are fast, accurate By offering a wide selection of rupture disks, BS&B Safety can meet your specific needs. Disk sizes ranging from 1/8" designed rupture disks and its affiliates offer a network services. Plus access to more than 90 fully trained representitive companies Manufacturing facilities Limerick. Ireland Chenni. (Madras). India CODES & STANDARDS the world leader in the design pressure relief devices. Since designing the first of all rupture disk products Our rupture disks are manufactured international codes and standards. ASME Sections VIII & III EC Pressure Equipment Directive
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VAC-SAF™ RUPTURE DISKS A fwoway acting rupture disk protects processing ond storage vessels from damage caused by excessive vacuum or overpressure. Protects your vessel when excessive vacuum occurs during liquid withdrawal, accidental product loss or during steam cleaning and sterilization. The type DKB'* rupture disk and KB-7R" Safety Heod assembly are available for installation between standard pipe flanges. The type VKB" rupture disk and KB-C" Safety Head are uniquely designed with sanitary fittings. Burst pressures from inches WC. US Patent 4657157, woridwide patents pending AV™ TYPE...
Open the catalog to page 4All BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
GLP-S™ Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
LO-TO-FLO™ Safety Head
2 Pages
VENT-SAF™ Explosion Panels
4 Pages
Buckling Pin Relief Technology
12 Pages
Burst Disk Monitors™ (BDM)
4 Pages
Burst Alert® Sensor
4 Pages
VIS-U-TEC™ Sensor
2 Pages
Type D
8 Pages
Tank Car Rupture Disks
2 Pages
Rupture Disk
12 Pages
Introduction to Rupture Disk
14 Pages
Corporate Profile
20 Pages
The VAC-SAF? System
12 Pages
SAF-T-GRAF? Graphite Disks
4 Pages
SURE-SAF? System
4 Pages
ECO-SAF? System
8 Pages
GCR-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
BIO-SAF? System
16 Pages
GCR-N? Reverse Buckling Disk
1 Pages
GLP-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
4 Pages
MRB series
1 Pages
4 Pages
VENT-SAF? Explosion Vents
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
Nu-Saf Plus
8 Pages
Type B
8 Pages
Conversion Factors
2 Pages
SR-TC Rupture Disk
2 Pages
Composite Bursting Disc Type D
12 Pages
SKR-U Reverse Buckling Disk
4 Pages
The STA-SAF System
12 Pages
Mono Block Graphite Disks
8 Pages