Catalog excerpts

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Management of Explosion Risks: Prevention and Protection • Can the equipment accept the reaction forces generated by the vented release? Each application requires unique assessment that • Can buildings or equipment in the free vent path includes the following considerations: accept the shock loading of the explosion pressure • Quantify the risk; define the deflagration pulse and accept the momentary high temperature characteristics for the process material (testing may of the fireball? be required) • Consider whether a hybrid of prevention and Answers to these questions will often determine...
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Successful management of deflagration risks requires • If there are process inlets and outlets to the that the characteristics of the material (such as Pmax protected equipment, are these protected to prevent and Kst - the deflagration index of a dust) are known propagation of the de flagration to other equipment along with the process conditions, such as dust concentration, airflow velocity, operating pressure, or work areas? Codes and standards are now very clear in requiring isolation of vented equipment to temperature and humidity. prevent secondary explosions. Secondary explosion...
Open the catalog to page 3
System monitor Explosion detection unitized sensors Explosion cannon Power supply Type IPD Core Technologies The BS&B explosion suppression system detects the earliest stage of a deflagration by sensing the pressure wave that comes ahead of the flameball and uses this signal to activate delivery of an extinguishing agent into the developing flameball to suppress it before reaching destructive proportions. A typical system consists of a sensor, power supply module, system monitor and several explosion suppression "cannons". The quantity, size and location of sensors and cannons are...
Open the catalog to page 4
BS&B Flameless Venting IQR System Where the flameball ejected by a deflagration cannot be accepted and ducted relief is impractical, flameless venting technology provides an alternate passive protection system. How the IQR System Works The IQR system comprises of two parts, an explosion vent and a quenching module. The explosion vent responds to the rapidly building pressure of a deflagration and opens to relieve this pressure. As the developing fireball passes through the open explosion vent, it is intercepted by the quenching module. A stainless steel precision mesh, retained by a...
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Spark detector sensor SDN External monitoring panel Automatic Extinguishing Device Spark Detection and Extinguishing System Spark detection and extinguishing technology is employed to manage the risk of fire and explosion ignition due to sparks and burning embers that are transported through a combustible dust handling system. By detection of near infrared energy, sparks and embers are first located and then extinguished by water spray downstream of the detection point. Operation of the system is fully automatic. Detectors located to the wall of process piping, downstream of the source of...
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INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSION PROTECTION Explosion Venting: Protection of Equipment, Ducts and Buildings Type VSB™ Building Vent* * US and International Patents Pending. Protection of Buildings and structures by very low pressure explosion VSB™ Vent construction: 1. Translucent polycarbonate or metal sheet 2. Aluminum perimeter frame 3. Dual seal from frame to vent 4. Centrally mounted 'burst tab' to control set pressure 5. dynamic release cord that retains vent after activation Individual Type VSB vents can be made to fit the available building apertures that achieve the required vent area for...
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BS&B EXPLOSION PROTECTION SOLOTIONS Venting ■ Suppression ■ Spark Dntnctinn ■ Isolation ■ Testing Chemical Isolation Proven Range of Prevention and Protection Technology Flexibility is provided by BS&B's proven range of prevention and protection technology that includes explosion venting, explosion suppression and a choice of chemical and mechanical systems for the isolation of interconnected processes. Explosion protection requires planning - consult BS&B offers more-than 80-years of pressure safety management and a team of research & development specialists and application experts who...
Open the catalog to page 8All BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
GLP-S™ Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
LO-TO-FLO™ Safety Head
2 Pages
VENT-SAF™ Explosion Panels
4 Pages
Buckling Pin Relief Technology
12 Pages
Burst Disk Monitors™ (BDM)
4 Pages
Burst Alert® Sensor
4 Pages
VIS-U-TEC™ Sensor
2 Pages
Type D
8 Pages
Tank Car Rupture Disks
2 Pages
Rupture Disk
12 Pages
Introduction to Rupture Disk
14 Pages
Corporate Profile
20 Pages
The VAC-SAF? System
12 Pages
SAF-T-GRAF? Graphite Disks
4 Pages
SURE-SAF? System
4 Pages
ECO-SAF? System
8 Pages
GCR-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
BIO-SAF? System
16 Pages
GCR-N? Reverse Buckling Disk
1 Pages
GLP-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
4 Pages
MRB series
1 Pages
4 Pages
VENT-SAF? Explosion Vents
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
Nu-Saf Plus
8 Pages
Type B
8 Pages
Conversion Factors
2 Pages
SR-TC Rupture Disk
2 Pages
Composite Bursting Disc Type D
12 Pages
SKR-U Reverse Buckling Disk
4 Pages
The STA-SAF System
12 Pages
Mono Block Graphite Disks
8 Pages