Catalog excerpts

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BIO-SAF SYSTEM™ BS&B's comprehensive range of sanitary rupture disks and holders has been specially designed with a uniformly smooth internal finish in non<:ontaminating materials for overpressure protection in sanitary/aseptic applications. The Bio-Saf range meets the demanding sanitary criteria necessary in today's pharmaceutical, biotechnology and food processing industries. All BS&B sanitary disk holders are designed with a standard sanitary damp fitting to permit easy and fast disk installation. The holders may be connected to other sanitary' tubing or fittings using standard clamps...
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TYPE GFR-S REVERSE BUCKLING DISK The GFR-S reverse buckling disk is the first rupture disk designed specifically for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and food processing industries. The disk is unique in design, supplied with an integral sanitary gasket and is installed directly on to an existing standard sanitary inlet ferrule. Type GFR-S Disk and GR-C Holder • Lowest burst pressure in a reverse buckling type disk. • Operating pressures up to 90% of rated pressure." • Suitable for liquid/gas service; for lull liquid service contact BS&B. • Resists full vacuum without vacuum support. •...
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TYPE FM-C RUPTURE DISK HOLDER The inlet of the FM-C disk holder is welded to the vessel wall, and permits the rupture disk to be installed flush with the interior wall of the vessel. As the dead leg is eliminated, the space between the process fluid and the disk is minimized. The holder is available in 316L SS; clamp 304 SS and for disk/clamp sizes l"-3". Type CFR-Si; Disk and FM-C Holder THE FT-C RUPTURE DISK HOLDER The FT-C holder may be used to replace a conventional sanitary fitting "Tee" on which a GFR-SE disk is installed with the advantage of minimizing the dead space between the...
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TypeJRS-S Disk and SR-C Holder • Excellent for gas/vapor service*. • Operating pressures up to 90%' of rated pressure. • Excellent in pressure cycling or pulsating conditions. TYPE JRS-S & JRS-ST REVERSE BUCKLING DISKS The JRS-S and JRS-ST are reverse buckling disks which incorporare a teeth ring artached to rhe downstream side of the disk. When overpressure occurs, disk rupture is achieved by the disk reversing and opening on the teeth-ring providing full relief opening. • Withstands hill vacuum without vacuum support. • Damage ratio of 1.5 or less. If damaged when installed, it will burst...
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TYPE RLS-S & RLS-ST REVERSE BUCKLING DISKS The RLS-S and RLS-ST are reverse buckling disks with a circular score-line around the circumference of rhe disk on the downstream side. A metal hinge is attached to the disk on the downstream side to prevent fragmentation. When overpressure occurs disk rupture is achieved by reversing and opening along the circumferential score-line providing full relief opening. Type RLS-S Disk and SR-C Holder FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Excellent in pressure cycling or pulsating conditions. • Excellent for full liquid or gas/vapor service. • Withstands full vacuum...
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JR-S/JRS-ST, RLS-S/RLS-ST Reverse Buckling Disks "JRS-ST not available in 1.5" size for 2" clamp size. Consult BS&B for alternative inlet/outlet clamp size options and for sizes above 4" (100mm). Standard SR-C holder material is 316 SS with 304 SS clamp.
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TYPE D-ST & DV-ST COMPOSITE RUPTURE DISKS The D-ST composite rupture disk consists of a domed slotted metal top section and a plastic or metal seal located on the concave or process side of the top section. • Excellent for liquid or gas/vapor service. • Operating pressures up to 80% of rated pressure. • FEP/PTFE liner provides a seal and corrosion resistance. TYPe DD"ST and DV-ST Disks With FF-C Holder TYPE DV-ST* DISK When vacuum is present, the disk is fitted with a vacuum support and a DV-ST type disk must be specified. TYPE DD-ST* DISK The type DD-ST may be used where two-way relief is...
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TYPE AV-ST COMPOSITE RUPTURE DISK The AV-ST is a flat composite disk designed TO relieve overpressure in both directions at the same burst pressure. The disk may be used in either gas or liquid service. Type AV-ST Disk iintl FF-C Holder • Operating pressures up to 60% of the minimum burst pressure. • FEP/PTFE seal. BURST PRESSURE RANGE All AV-ST* type disks are marked on the disk tag with a minimum/maximum burst range. In the case or a requested burst pressure up to 25 psig (1.72 barg) the burst range will be ± 1.25 psig (0.09 barg) of the requested burst pressure, and above 25 psig (1.72...
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TYPE VKB & P/VKB TWO-WAY RELIEF DISK The VKB rupture disk is a two-way acting disk designed to prevent implosion under vacuum or overpressure. The disk may be used in either gas or liquid service. The VKB rupture disk installed in the KB-C holder meets the requirements of the American 3A sanitary standards. Type VKB Disk and KB-C Holder VACUUM RELIEF At the rated vacuum relief pressure the disk seal separares from rhe perforated metal section to snap against a set of knifeblades located in [he disk holder inlet tuning rhe seal into [hree segments. The perforared metal sccrion remains...
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FACTORING RANGE The disks are available with a +/- 2 psig (0.138 baig) or minus 10% manufacturing range depending on the burst pressure. TAGGED BURST PRESSURE above 40 psig (2.76 barg) MANUFACI i RiNt, RAM,i Example: A burst pressure of 58 psig (4 barg) is requested with a 10% manufacturing range. The values of the burst tests carried out during manufacture will lie between the 52.2 psig (3.6 barg) and 58 psig (4 barg). The average of the test values will be marked on the disk tag. BURST TOLERANCE Tolerances are the maximum variation from the burst pressure shown on the disk tag. TAGGED...
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BURST RANGE The disks are available with a burst range of +/- 1.5 in WC (3.75 mbarg) for pressure up to 8.0 in WC (20 mbarg) and +/-20% for higher pressures. All tolerances are included in the burst range. A disk with a specified burst pressure of 16.0 in WC (40 mbarg) will be shown on the disk tag as minimum 12.8 in WC (32 mbarg) - maximum 19.2 in WC (48 mbarg). OPERATING PRESSURE The system may operare up to 80% of the minimum of the burst range withour aflccting the service life of the disk. VACUUM RELIEF The disk may be used also to relieve vacuum depending on specific requirements....
Open the catalog to page 12All BS&B SAFETY SYSTEMS catalogs and technical brochures
GLP-S™ Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
LO-TO-FLO™ Safety Head
2 Pages
VENT-SAF™ Explosion Panels
4 Pages
Buckling Pin Relief Technology
12 Pages
Burst Disk Monitors™ (BDM)
4 Pages
Burst Alert® Sensor
4 Pages
VIS-U-TEC™ Sensor
2 Pages
Type D
8 Pages
Tank Car Rupture Disks
2 Pages
Rupture Disk
12 Pages
Introduction to Rupture Disk
14 Pages
Corporate Profile
20 Pages
The VAC-SAF? System
12 Pages
SAF-T-GRAF? Graphite Disks
4 Pages
SURE-SAF? System
4 Pages
ECO-SAF? System
8 Pages
GCR-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
GCR-N? Reverse Buckling Disk
1 Pages
GLP-S? Reverse Buckling Disk
2 Pages
4 Pages
MRB series
1 Pages
4 Pages
VENT-SAF? Explosion Vents
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
Nu-Saf Plus
8 Pages
Type B
8 Pages
Conversion Factors
2 Pages
SR-TC Rupture Disk
2 Pages
Composite Bursting Disc Type D
12 Pages
SKR-U Reverse Buckling Disk
4 Pages
The STA-SAF System
12 Pages
Mono Block Graphite Disks
8 Pages