Catalog excerpts

TAPCHANGER AT Tapchanger The ‘AT’ range of single-phase compartment units with high-speed resistor transition is designed for three-phase systems with voltages of 44kV and 66kV line end or 132kV neutral end and nominal rated current of 300A. A maximum of 17 tapping steps (18 positions) is possible for linear regulation and 32 steps (33 positions) for reversing or coarse/fine regulation. The ‘AT’ tapchanger is designed such that power flow can be handled in either direction at full-rated current. The ‘AT’ is an “out-of-tank” flange-mounted tapchanger where the oil in the switch compartment is kept separate at all times from the oil in the main transformer. • • • • • • • • Compact Linear, reversing or coarse/fine versions Suitable for 1kV, 33kV or 66kV systems, star or delta windings 400A version (linear only) Suitable for 132kV star winding (neutral end only) Single-phase version available Vertically-mounted option also available Manufactured in accordance with IEC 60214 and also complies with many other national and international standards AE Tapchanger The ‘AE’ series on-load tapchanger’s are the results of the successful type ‘AT’ range of designs. The ‘AE’ uses many common parts from the ‘AT’ including the complete drive mechanism. This range has a maximum of 17 tapping steps (18 positions) is possible for linear regulation and 32 steps (33 positions) for reverse or course/fine regulation. The equipment may be used to regulate three-phase transformers designed for system voltages of 33kV and 66kV at any position in the winding. The ’AE’ may also operate on transformers designed for 132kV earthed neutral three-phase systems regulating at the neutral end of the winding. The maximum current rating is 500A, with overload capability in accordance with IEC 60354 and IEC 60076-7. • • • • • 500A current rating Suitable for 33kV or 66kV systems, line or neutral end Suitable for 132kV systems (neutral end only) Maximum 650kVA breaking capacity Designed in accordance with IEC 60214 and also complies with many other national and international standards
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Benefits of the AT, ATV, and AE on-load Tapchanger’s • • • • • • • Lower overall maintenance times and costs to enduser Separate tapchanger oil ensures 100% accurate D.G.A of transformers Can easily be housed in noise enclosures Retrofit tapchangers more easily accommodated Better for anti-tracking surfaces Filter plant not required Transformer tank size minimised Compact Bi-directional power flow High Speed Resistor on-load selector switch Ease of maintenance Low oil content Up to 17 positions (linear) or 33 positions (reverse or coarse/fine) Fully automatic or manual operation Centre of...
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