impact HD
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impact HD - 1

impact HD Get the full picture first time Innovation with Integrity

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impact HD - 2

Sensational Capabilities of impact HD Optimize your LCMS methods without compromising performance: impact HD delivers the full range of specified performance parameters simultaneously to solve your analytical challenges. The Ultra-High Resolution (UHR) TOF technology pioneered by Bruker once again defines the standards of what can be achieved using accuratemass LC-MS/MS. New innovations in time-of-flight instrumentation are now available in a robust and market-leading benchtop system. Your Success with impact HD High-Definition Technology Enhanced dynamic range 50 Gbit/sec technology...

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impact HD - 3

Routinely Identify More – All Day, Every Day Dynamic range – five orders of magnitude 50 GBit/sec sampling technology enables high definition data acquisition on an LC timescale Greatly increased robustness to sample variation allowing reduced sample pretreatment especially desirable in high throughput quantitative applications. Definitive trace analysis from complex, high-background matrices makes your analytical work more productive. Increased dynamic range, excellent robustness and full sensitivity gives you the deepest insight into your sample and what might be hiding underneath....

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impact HD - 4

More Dynamic Range, More Accurate, More Confidence Enhanced sensitivity through broad mass transfer impact HD with 10 bit digitizer hrEIC of 60 pesticides from m/z 70 up to 900 at 2.5 ppm cone. 3-4 x higher dynamic range from 10 bit Provides highest 50 GBit/sec sampling speeds and maintains high resolution Much higher dynamic range in analyte concentration attainable 100 fg absolute reserpine with ionbooster Patented dual Ion-Funnel: Triple-quad like sensitivity

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Flight Tube with in-flight focussing and dual stage reflector for Full Sensitivity Resolution (FSR) Novel high-definition 10 bit detection system Broad mass transfer Quadrupole CID cell Much higher dynamic range in concentration reachable Intens. x107 In-spectrum dynamic range @ real LC speed – don’t miss low abundant peaks.

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impact HD - 6

Solving the “Omics Puzzle“ – from Label-Free Discovery to Targeted Proteomics ... Robust profiling of large omics sample sets in one run acquisitions LC peaks in QC sample remain constant in intensity Instant Expertise: Fast + smart is better than just fast QC samples run interspersed over 150 injections of complex coffee metabolomics samples Intens. x106 ~150 Injections in between QC Injection No.147 The Instant Expertise method, based on the IDAS and RT2 strategies (see App-Note MT-81) automatically adjusts the number and speed of MS/MS within a fixed MS cycle time to obtain the best...

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impact HD - 7

... and Metabolomics Validation Studies Easy identification of unknown metabolites measured simulated Straight forward unknown ID: Perfect match even of 3rd isotope. Mass accuracy Isotopic fidelity High sensitivity even at low mass range in MS and MS/MS spectra Combined in simple software: SmartFormula3D + FragmentExplorer Learn more about unknown ID in Metabolomics research leveraged by HD performance: App-Note LCMS-79. Quantification: QQQ like linearity by HD performance Targeted proteomics: Quantify all candidates in one run with DIA acquisition modes Ceruloplasmin peptide. Absolute...

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impact HD - 8

Qualitative and Quantitative Drug Metabolism Characterization Metabolite Detection Metabolite Detect software compares the data file for the drug (in this case t60) with the corresponding control sample. Auto MS/MS Spectrum A base peak chromatogram of the difference is created allowing metabolites m/z 354, 212 and even 392 to be easily observed. Drug and Metabolite Profiles Integration is carried out on the EIC for the measured m/z of each metabolite +/- 0.005 Da. Plotting the ratio of metabolite to internal standard (MIS) vs time produces the metabolite profiles. Half-life and clearance...

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impact HD - 9

Your Partner in Biopharmaceutical QC Comprehensive capabilities for biological therapeutics screening, characterization and confirmation. > 96% Sequence Coverage of Panitumumab Compatible with Biopharma Compass for seamless transition from method development to fully automated control and reporting of critical quality attributes. Broadband transmission and wide dynamic range for effective screening and quantitation of released glycans and small molecule impurities. High speed MS/MS acquisition and large dynamic range enable the acquisition of high coverage peptides maps and associated low...

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One-Shot Full Picture of the Sample ... Pyriproxyfen Chlorpyriphos Multi-target screening on 10 ppb level in orange matrix Bifenthrin 359 Etofenprox Fragm (NH4) Triazophos Triadimenol I+II Fenhexamid Phosmet Chlorantraniliprole Butocarboxim Fragm 75 Aldicarb Fragm 116 Linuron Boscalid Fludioxonil (NH4) Dimethomorph Peak 2 Methoxyfenozide Fragm 313 Chlorpropham Fragm 172 Myclobutanil Carbofuran Carbaryl Fragm 145 Cyhalothrin. III (NH4) Cypermethrin II (NH4) III (NH4) Cypermethrin II (NH4) Cyprodinil Diazinon Prochloraz Spinosad A (Spinosyn A) Difenoconazole Peak 1+2 Indoxacarb...

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impact HD - 11

... for Rapid Profiling and Screening of Unknowns Pilots the sample to target the correct quantitation assay, saving time and multiple re-analysis costs Enables rapid reaction to emerging challenges in food safety and doping even before reference standards are available Facilitates retrospective in-silico analysis for post-hoc identification of true unknown contaminants Accurate mass screening databases for Food Testing, Forensics and Drugs of Abuse Food / Water/ Forensic sample One shot qual / quant analysis with no method development MS, Total Ion CID, MSMS Processing with high quality...

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Dynamic Source Configuration CaptiveSpray nanoBooster The rugged and patented nano-spray source is a revolutionary ion source with increased sensitivity, reduced noise and supercharging capabilities. This leads to boosted ID rates and dramatically improved glycoanalysis. APCI II Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization is used for less polar molecules where ESI fails to deliver reasonable quantities of ions. APPI II Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization is used for less polar or non-polar molecules that can not be ionized in either ESI or APCI. DIP The DirectProbe add-on for the Bruker APCI...

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All Bruker Daltonics catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. RoadRunner

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  8. timsTOF PRO

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  9. nanoElute®

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  10. timsTOF™

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  11. rapifleX™

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  12. amaZon SL

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  13. compact

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  14. MALDI Biotyper

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  15. Toxtyper

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  16. impact II

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  17. maxis II

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  18. amaZon speed

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  21. Metabolomics

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  22. aurora M90

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  32. Ultraflextreme

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  34. microflex

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  35. SCION 436-GC

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Archived catalogs

  1. RAID-M 100

    6 Pages

  2. compact?

    6 Pages

  3. Toxtyper

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  4. MALDI Biotyper

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