Brugg Cables Industry
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Catalog excerpts

Brugg Cables Industry - 1

A whole family of complte solutions BRUGG CABLES IIMDUSTRY AG

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Brugg Cables Industry - 2

Concentrated know-how, strong implementation. Brugg Cables Industry AG s a subsidary company of Brugg Kabel AG. As your comptent partner, we ensure that electrical energy, data and signais are re-liably, safely and efficiently transferred via cable even in complex ndustrial environments. We take a systematic approach to developing, producing and customizng the cables and connectors you need. Everything you need in a partner. We will advrse you From the first idoa right down to the complﮨte solution. Thanks to our cxtonsivo nxporience and up-to-date knowledge, your contact with us saves you...

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Brugg Cables Industry - 3

Strong products enable complte solutions. In ail parts of the world, our customers rely on our products and solutions. Thse are available as Systems or customized to sp訩cifie requirements. For example, we provide cables, connectors, custom-tailored fiber-optic and copper cables, flat belts, assembly groups and harnesses. Wide product range. Customized solutions. We offor a widn rango of diffrent cable types. Thse include. for example, shinlded cablos nnri hybrid cables. Flexible, high-slrenglh flat belts for modem drive Sys騭tems complte the application speetrum of our product ronge. In...

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Brugg Cables Industry - 4

You think: Wouldn't it be nice? We say: Consider it done. Our know-how in the area of industrial applications is not limited to the manufacture and distribution of spcial cables. Based on our long-standing exprience, we offer compl驨te solutions which, if necessary, we adjust to your spcifie needs or even develop from scratch. More than 20 years of exprience in provid驮ng integrated solutions. We havn more thon 20 years of exprience in the area of customized cables and injection-moulding around inscris, For example connectors and cable glands. We use the a a me robust polymer for thse as for...

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Brugg Cables Industry - 5

Brugg Cables Indu3try AG Kloslerzelystrasse 28 5201 Brugg, Switzerland Phone +41 56 460 31 00 Fax +41 56 460 35 36 Brugg Kabal AG Klosterzelgstrasse 28 5201 Brugg, Switzerland Phone+41 56 460 33 33 Fax +41 56 460 35 36 Branch office Forfurrhar information <\0 10www.lirnoflcabloa.COiv». A company of Iha BRUGG Gruuu.

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All Brugg Kabel AG catalogs and technical brochures

  1. XKDT-Y

    1 Pages

  2. E-Mobility

    7 Pages


    2 Pages


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    2 Pages

Archived catalogs