Catalog excerpts

PULSE Reflex Base Type 8700, PULSE Reflex Data Viewer Type 8701 PULSE Reflex Core Types 8702, 8703, 8704, 8705, 8706 and 8710 PULSE Reflex™ adds dedicated post-processing applications to the PULSE software environment. It brings together a range of generic post-processing tools for offline analysis and processing of time data, and experimental modal analysis. The innovative user interface delivers genuine ease-of-use through a workflow that is easy to learn and consistent across applications. Data viewing, storage and reporting are built into the workflow and include tools and features for immediate traceability via an SQL database, for quick data overviews and for automatic report creation - all based on user-definable templates. The aim is to make the task of data processing and reporting as simple and straightforward as possible, giving testers and engineers more time to focus on result interpretation. PULSE Reflex Core is a general purpose sound and vibration signal analysis and reporting application enabling engineers to perform a range of signal analysis types with high productivity. The tools are built into a framework that provides for fully automated operation, including batch processing and the ability to create project templates to standardize and simplify repetitive processes. PULSE Reflex also includes an interface to the PULSE LabShop real-time environment. Uses and Features Uses • Offline analysis of recorded time data • General vibration and acoustic analysis • Rotating machinery analysis • Stationary and non-stationary FFT, CPB (1/n-octave) and Overall (broadband) analysis • Sound quality analysis • Simultaneous parallel analysis with different filter settings, FFT bandwidths, and 1/n-octave setups • Visualization, editing and audio playback of time data in preparation for analysis • Display of frequency, RPM and order content of time signals during audio playback • Batch processing of multiple sets of time recordings • Human vibration analysis • Simple and efficient reporting of results with user-definable layouts and user-selectable metadata Features: PULSE Reflex Base and Data Viewer • Support of a wide range of file formats for import from, and export to, native and third party systems • Project database based on Microsoft® SQL Server® • Powerful Data Viewer for reviewing and automated reporting • Scratchpad Calculator for mathematical and statistical analysis of project data • Embedded reporting in all display components • Multiple export and import options for transport of project data and setups, including: - Interface to PULSE LabShop for import of function data from a PULSE project (*.pls) - Interface to PULSE Data Manager for import of data from a PDM database Additional Features: PULSE Reflex Core • Graphical Time Editor capable of dealing with multiple input files simultaneously • Analysis based on graphical process chain concept with ability to store and re-use analysis setups • Fully automated processing - auto-import data from a folder on disk directly to your project • Signal filtering for automatic processing of signals • Batch mode operation of process chain for sequenced or parallel analysis of multiple sets of imported data • Processing of streamed auxiliary data (temperature, oil pressure, wind speed, etc.) • Spectrogram display for quick visualization of frequency and order content of time signals
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PULSE Reflex Base Type 8700 Fig. 1 PULSE Reflex Base provides the fundamental framework and data management components of PULSE Reflex, together with a function calculator PULSE Reflex Base Type 8700, is the prerequisite for all PULSE Reflex applications. It provides project file and data import, metadata and general test data management, offline calculations on stored data, graphical displays, and integrated reporting tools. Key features and components of PULSE Reflex Base include: • File Import: Import of data files from a variety of formats including: – from PULSE Reflex: *.bkc (time and...
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PULSE Reflex Data Viewer Type 8701 PULSE Reflex Data Viewer Type 8701 can be added to PULSE Reflex Base Type 8700 to provide a powerful stand-alone viewing and reporting tool. It incorporates tabular and graphical views for display of data values, annotations and metadata as well as quick reporting. Its tools provide easy overview and management of data for both large and small projects no matter the application. Key features include: • Fast, template-based reporting to Microsoft® Word and PowerPoint® • User-controllable use of metadata for sorting and filtering displayed data • Graphical,...
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PULSE Reflex Core – Types 8702, 8703, 8704, 8705, 8706 and 8710 Fig. 3 The three basic components of PULSE Reflex Core: Time Editor, Process Chain, and Display Manager. Batch processing is included as standard and is very easy to set up using graphical elements to represent both data and analysis components Central to PULSE Reflex Core are: • Time Editor: Fast, efficient display and audio playback of imported time data enable intelligent selection of signal groups and time ranges (regions) for later analysis • Process Chain: A graphical means for setting up the analysis process including...
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A highly interactive dimension is added by the spectrogram display (requiring Type 8703), which provides instant feedback on the frequency and order content of raw time data simultaneously with audio playback. This helps the engineer to make better decisions on the parameters to be used for later analysis, as well as giving early insights into the fundamental characteristics of the raw data. Fig. 4 Type 8702 provides a comprehensive set of data processing, display and reporting tools. The core of the process is the graphical Process Chain that allows setup of multiple analyses and...
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*.sie (HBM Somat file format) *.txt (PULSE ASCII) *.uff and *.unv (universal files) *.wav (wave files) The Time Editor provides swift and efficient viewing, audio playback, and selection of time data in preparation for analysis in the Process Chain. Regions of time data can be appended to one another and combined into a single region for analysis. Input data for analysis can be dragged-and-dropped into the Process Chain, either from the Time Editor, or directly from the Project Browser if no editing is required. Spectra can, for example, be dragged directly from the Project Browser to the...
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