Catalog excerpts

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Open the catalog to page 1
Introduction Types 2250 and 2270 are flexible hand-held analyzers that cover all your sound and vibration measurement and analysis needs - from the traditional uses in assessing environmental and workplace noise to industrial quality control and development. The high-resolution touchscreen allows you to easily navigate through the setup menu tailoring one of the many predefined templates to precisely your measurement requirements. The large dynamic range copes with both the loudest noises and those just above the noise floor and the frequency range, extended with the low-frequency option,...
Open the catalog to page 2
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Open the catalog to page 3
NPR OQÿ TUWYZU\V\Uÿ VXU [ÿ Y[Y ^ _`ÿbdeÿ X\acdf U
Open the catalog to page 5
CDFHJ ÿ GPN Jÿ SÿFMNOQRNSUQJQVEP EGIKMNOQRNSTGGSÿ GPN JÿGSNÿ F H bdGJE GPN Jÿ S Jghcb k ceJ Nÿ OQRNSfDI ÿÿij b MN F ?!$ `X?^!"ÿ! ' #ÿ ÿ X"0 !%ÿ%?@ÿÿÿ X#ÿ ÿl@?ÿ"!ÿm'ÿ !) ÿ !$n!"#$ÿ$&'5* ?A!"! *
Open the catalog to page 6
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Open the catalog to page 7
Fora measured spectrum, single-number parameters, such as Noise Rating, Speech Interference Level and Loudness, can be calculated and displayed for noise impact analysis and limit comparison. A programmable generator is available for measurements requiring a sound source. You can select white or pink noise and set the upper and lower limits. 2-channel Measurements with BZ-7223 Type 2270 users can measure two spectra simultaneously with any combination of transducers. If the transducers are one microphone and one accelerometer, two independently scalable y-axes are available. Simple...
Open the catalog to page 8
Open the catalog to page 9
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Open the catalog to page 10All Bruel and Kjaer catalogs and technical brochures
Data Analysis Software
6 Pages
B&K 2245 Sound Level Meter
8 Pages
HBK 2255 Sound Level Meter
10 Pages
Artificial Mastoid Type 4930
6 Pages
Power Amplifier Type 2718
2 Pages
6 Pages
DISCOM NVH Analysis Systems
4 Pages
TEDS Microphones
8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
16 Pages
16 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
LDS V8900
4 Pages
BKS 10
8 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
4101-B and 4965-B
4 Pages
Sonoscout NVH Recorder
8 Pages
LDS Power Amplifiers
8 Pages
Type 2720
2 Pages
Type 2721
2 Pages
TYPE 3668
4 Pages
4 Pages
LDS V994
2 Pages
TYPE 8702
16 Pages
40 Pages
TYPE 9718-A:bp0317
12 Pages
TYPE 4720:bp1974
12 Pages
TYPE 4824:bp1936
4 Pages
28 Pages
Transducers and conditioning
188 Pages
Noise Sentinel Overview
3 Pages
Analyzer Catalogue
39 Pages
Noise Logger Type 3659
1 Pages
Sound level meters
17 Pages