Catalog excerpts

SYSTEM DATA Vibration Control System Combining convenience, performance, flexiblity, and safety, LASERUSB is the ideal controller for your test lab. It has 24-bit precision with wide control dynamic range, and fast loop times to provide superb control for your most challenging tests. Key Benefits • Supports both 32 and 64-bit Windows® operating systems • Full capability for vibration control and data reduction • Multi-channels, with 4 to 16 channels for multi-point control • 24-bit resolution gives wide dynamic range to control highly dynamic structures • Fast and safe with 100 ms loop time • Amplifier and thermal chamber interfaces for seamless lab integration • Automatic safety checks to protect your valuable equipment • USB connectivity for easy installation • Kurtosis parameter control for non-gaussian random testing • Fatigue monitor protects test article and shaker Uses • Vibration testing in both R&D and production environments with applications that include: – Random vibration control – Swept sine vibration control – Resonance dwell vibration control – Classical shock vibration control – Random- and sine-on-random vibration control – Shock SRS vibration control • Simulation of automobile, military vehicle and ground transportation vibration • Fatigue tests • Intended to drive a switching power amplifier (HPAK, SPA-K, D-PAK) • Synchronised envi
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Specifications - LASERUSB Shaker Control System Inputs Analogue Channels Electronics Filtering Frequency Range Voltage Ranges Input Coupling Signal Conditioning Max. Input Resolution Dynamic Range Accuracy Channel Match† Amplitude Channel Match† Phase Signal-to-Noise Cross-talk Total Harmonic Distortion Digital Input and Output Hardware 4 standard, expandable to 16 simultaneous channels. Each can be controlled, monitored or disabled. All are differential inputs with 220 kΩ impedance. Differential amplifier, programmable gain amplifier, antialiasing filters, and 24-bit Analog-to-Digital...
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Specifications - Premier Random Vibration Control Control Parameters Safety Features Frequency Range Control Signal Resolution Δ F Resolution Dynamic Range Randomization Loop Time Variable Resolution Transfer Function DOF Control Strategy Kurtosis Control Limiting Non-acceleration Control 0 to 10 kHz* in seventeen ranges. Closed loop control up to 4000 Hz standard. 110, 225, 450, 900, or 1800 lines User-selectable, including 5Hz and its multiples. Up to 95 dB Frequency domain phase randomization technique produces a true gaussian distribution. Typically 100 ms Provides enhanced low...
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Specifications - Premier Swept Sine Vibration Control Control Parameters Test Execution Frequency Range The system performs pre-test checks, equalises the load and then executes the schedule. Automatic System executes events specified in the schedule. If a Profile Sequence is defined, profile-schedule blocks in Mode the flow diagram are sequentially executed. Manual Mode User can override automatic mode to manage the test using manual commands. Resolution Dynamic Range Loop Time Control Accuracy Compression Rate Control Strategy Tracking Filter Sweep Rate Limiting Non-acceleration Control...
Open the catalog to page 4
Specifications - Premier Classical Shock Transient Control Control Parameters Safety Features Frequency Range Frame Size Control Signal Transfer Function Averaging Filtering Pulse Delay 0 to 22 kHz 128 to 16384 points or automatically optimised. Linear filter design minimises distortion and preserves the true waveform shape. Measure during pre-test or, for quickest test start-up, recall a function from disk. User-specified coefficient from 1 to 500 User specifies cut-off frequency for low-pass filtering applied to the reference waveform, drive, and all input channels. User-specified delay...
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Specifications - Resonance Search, Track and Dwell (RSTD) Vibration Control Test Setup and Management Signal Displays All of the features of Swept Sine Vibration Control software are included in the RSTD package. Users can follow familiar procedures for quick test setup. In Schedule, the user defines a Search Event by frequency range, sweep rate, and minimum Q and amplitude for resonance detection. Schedule also allows easy definition of a Dwell Event by selecting either a frequency locked dwell or tracked dwell at the resonances in the Dwell List generated during the Search Event. During...
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Specifications - Sine-on-Random (SoR) Vibration Control Test Setup and Control Sine Tone Characteristics SoR includes all of the features of the Random Vibration Control package with one exception – the maximum frequency is limited to 4000 Hz (5500Hz with the High Frequency option). Number Target Amplitude Set up of a SoR broadband Power Spectral Density (PSD) profile is the same as in the Random package. Up to 20 sine tones are added. Automatic on/ off switching (at arbitrary intervals) of each of the sine tones, or even the broadband random, can be set in the schedule. Profile Breakpoints...
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Specifications - Random-on-Random (RoR) Vibration Control Test Setup and Control Narrowband Characteristics RoR includes all of the features of the Random Vibration Control package with one exception – the maximum frequency is limited to 4000 Hz (5500Hz with the High Frequency option). Number Target Amplitude Set up of a RoR broadband Power Spectral Density (PSD) profile is the same as in the Random package. Up to 12 narrowbands are added. Automatic on/ off switching (at arbitrary intervals) of each of the narrowbands, or even the broadband random, can be set in the schedule. Profile...
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Specifications - Sine-and-Random-on-Random (SRoR) Vibration Control This add-on module for the SoR and RoR Vibration Control software packages, allows for the user to create a vibration environment by combining fixed or sweeping sine tones, and fixed and sweeping random narrowbands with broadband random vibration. The ultimate in closed loop control applications, SRoR enables the user to simulate the most demanding environments in their test lab. Similar to SoR and RoR, the user can individually activate and deactivate any component (sine tone, narrowband, or broadband) of the environment....
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