Catalog excerpts

Binaural Microphone Type 4101-B has been designed specifically for binaural sound recordings where testing on a human subject is preferred and/or where the use of the traditional head and torso simulator (HATS) method is precluded. These microphones are lightweight, do not affect normal hearing capabilities and, consequently, do not influence test results. Type 4965-B consists of Type 4101-B together with a Bluetooth®-enabled headset for replaying recordings. Uses and Features Uses • Binaural recordings near the entrance of the human ear canal • Sound recordings where a vehicle driver wears the binaural microphone • Binaural recordings where the influence of the test subject's head and torso is important • Sound recordings of a helmeted test subject, such as a motorcycle driver • Psychoacoustic experiments requiring binaural sound recording on human subjects • Binaural recordings where the use of a traditional HATS, for example, Sound Quality Head and Torso Simulator Type 4100, is impossible • Evaluation of headphones and earmuffs on a human subject • Benchmarking vehicles for reference or processing into simple PULSE™ NVH Vehicle Simulator models • Capturing vehicle behaviour during on-road evaluation or while using DTS On-Road Simulator • Cabin noise measurements • As general-purpose two-channel data recorders (replay with Type 4965-B only) Features • Easy-to-use with a lightweight and compact design • Miniature, prepolarized condenser microphones that are positioned at the entrance to the ear canal and do not affect normal hearing capabilities • Able to record two channels of sound • Low equivalent noise level of 23 dB(A) • Powered from constant current line drive (CCLD) input channel via BNC plug • Free-field and diffuse-field correction data tables included and built into Sonoscout™ NVH Recorder • Calibration adapter for use with Sound Calibrator Type 4231 • Transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) • Multi-country power supply • Bluetooth-enabled headset for replay of recordings (Type 4965-B only)
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Description The strength of binaural recording lies in capturing sound exactly as it is heard by the human test subject in order to recreate a 3D stereo sensation – thus allowing every listener the chance to play back the recording and experience sound, again and again, as if from the best seat in the house. Binaural Microphone Types 4101-B and 4965-B are designed to be worn comfortably by a test subject for the purpose of making binaural recordings. Together, they provide a complete listening and playback solution for use with Brüel & Kjær’s Sonoscout™ NVH Recorder. However, with CCLD...
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The binaural microphones incorporate transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS). This means that the actual identity and loaded sensitivity of the left and right microphones are programmed into the TEDS memory, making set-up very easy and fool-proof. The microphones are selected based on matching frequency responses. Operating in the test subject's open ear canal, the binaural microphone set is calibrated with Head and Torso Simulator Type 4128, which also has an open ear canal. In a diffuse sound field, the binaural microphone set is measured for its diffuse-field response mounted on Type...
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Tablel Typical diffuse- and free-field response for Type 4101-B when mounted EQUIVALENT NOISE LEVEL, A-WEIGHTED on HATS Type 4128 with incidence directly from the front Typically, 23 dB(A) re 20 |lPa Microphone CARTRIDGE TYPE Prepolarized, gold-plated condenser element with vertical diaphragm FREQUENCY RANGE 20 Hz - 5 kHz, ±2 dB re 1 kHz, 3 dB soft boost at 5-20 kHz when measured in a free field for individual microphones at 0° incidence SENSITIVITY Nominally 20 mV/Pa ±3 dB at 1 kHz Specifications - Binaural Microphone Types 4101-B and 4965-B TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION <3% at 120 dB SPL...
Open the catalog to page 4All Bruel and Kjaer catalogs and technical brochures
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