Catalog excerpts

MNNÿOOUÿS ÿOV[N OP STNWXYWZO R V \ ]^_ac echÿdÿ_jÿelm_enbegbmÿibaai ]^a_hdgbj_ac ejtjÿÿÿlmiÿagmÿbo `b_ ÿgciai k_hgc ÿ _ceegdÿ_ bc g_gÿtajt`b_ ÿ gh_bhg_migqeaeg d g d m i ÿ dg e _ goehdÿ godeÿ e_gÿec ÿaqk p ka ogoeÿ eqÿo_hÿj{bjÿn_ q_ ÿe_ga |lbbec j `gj c e q bd _ h ]r_pssÿlgÿ_ac emguÿa a_jxÿe_g oÿ hgkt`b_ ÿpmhi ÿ a ÿ goeh d d v gw ]ghoÿÿtj_ cc eÿaÿgkk hbg_j gÿn_ _ hbggmgg ig j bd d bÿ b _ e ]ad mÿnlbgÿa jgoeÿn_gÿaÿmqg q`ngbc jchi ÿje_gi jhbg_ jkk g yzeodeÿa{_|e_gpjdca ÿaqki ÿ egoeÿg_ lgh dc m ]gbkcÿedb_ebma_ocÿq`ngba_ ngc c|bbbecc ÿmdkeÿ ad mÿ qa eh d d g g y}ÿ_pÿa_oggoeÿg_dca eiocdÿej|e_gpj lgh j ih m ]zeÿbkkdgb_ebkhnl_gÿlaca ha_cabg gpegÿlac ÿeÿ_ j_kdgbdÿ g| gim d i q e ~ ]zedgcbhqgÿeÿeÿbjÿgkk jÿeÿ ekma kdgm`gegg a b a g e ]} kbgbkqb _qqÿbhi_kmhdhbma_oc ]dmnlcagqakka onghangc nng_cÿeÿen`odhlhbjg__eÿmdkeÿ ÿ d ÿd qgÿ _ ÿq_ ÿ bqg eh ]dcmd cadem_ea_k ÿ pnggÿ egc ÿ qa b m dg g goeÿ _ceegnbqjecqc e e_gnbegbmÿ ebÿham_ h _ d ebÿdbgdÿgqc{_ ijbecc ÿ jkeÿp h h p ÿ de ]ma_obk kmngcc e dÿgckcÿmdkeÿd ]bqjcaoÿiahjÿ cÿqjedb_e_mq_ocg gdkeÿeÿ dq eb_ ÿ ichÿ bbbma_oc d il ad mÿ_ ngcÿab_cam_e{_ ÿ ad m a{ÿ_ejdÿdcldghe q`ngba qa ehdÿ hÿ gbc ÿ c `ngb b hobÿa h|amh_o g g i g e d pq ]pegÿ_odchbÿgma_kdcigÿgchÿlh| ebmkkbeh_ÿ e`ÿ a ÿqÿ
Open the catalog to page 1
The vibration measurements are performed during an aircraft ground run, where the engine is run up under specific controlled conditions. Accelerometer Type 8324 is installed on the engine in a pre-defined position and connected to Hand-held Vibration Analyzer Type 2250-H-100. The Vibration Analyzer features measurement templates and vibration limits from all Turbomeca engine families, and will process the vibration measurements according to the maintenance manual instructions of the specific engine type. The vibration measured is automatically compared to the individual limits of the...
Open the catalog to page 2
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Open the catalog to page 4All Bruel and Kjaer catalogs and technical brochures
Data Analysis Software
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B&K 2245 Sound Level Meter
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HBK 2255 Sound Level Meter
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Artificial Mastoid Type 4930
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Power Amplifier Type 2718
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DISCOM NVH Analysis Systems
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TEDS Microphones
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4 Pages
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16 Pages
2 Pages
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2 Pages
2 Pages
LDS V8900
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BKS 10
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2 Pages
4 Pages
4101-B and 4965-B
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Sonoscout NVH Recorder
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LDS Power Amplifiers
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Type 2720
2 Pages
Type 2721
2 Pages
TYPE 3668
4 Pages
TYPE 2270-S
28 Pages
LDS V994
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TYPE 8702
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40 Pages
TYPE 9718-A:bp0317
12 Pages
TYPE 4720:bp1974
12 Pages
TYPE 4824:bp1936
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28 Pages
Transducers and conditioning
188 Pages
Noise Sentinel Overview
3 Pages
Analyzer Catalogue
39 Pages
Noise Logger Type 3659
1 Pages
Sound level meters
17 Pages