Catalog excerpts

Bransons Mini II Vibration Welder is a com-plete plastics assembly system for welding small or irregularly-shaped thermoplastic parts. The MiniII incorporates many features for improved operation, overall performance, and serviceability.The Mini II Vibration Welder will handle partsup to 7" by 9" (178 by 230 mm). It has a solid- state 11 kW power supply with an adjustable vibrating frequency (nominal 240 Hz).Modular construction allows the individualcomponents, i.e., vibrator assembly and power supply/controller, to be adapted to automated or custom systems.Features and benefits of the Mini II Welder areoutlined in the table below: Adjustable frequency allows for maxi-mum flexibility in drive fixture weight.ҕ FEATURESBENEFITS 50% increase in driveWelds a larger areaforceor welds fasterIncreased platen sizeWelds larger parts Increased strokeWelds deeper parts Touch screen controlsEasier to set upMore precise settingsIncreased drive fixture More flexibility in weighttypes of applicationsOptional weld-by-Greater control ofdistance packagewelding process Automatically self-adjusting stack-up Easy access to process controls locatedon front of the machine:Touchscreen user interfaceՕAmplitude adjustment controls Pressure gaugeՕ throughout entire stroke reduces setup times. Clamping is accomplished via a pneumatically-activated lift table. Operator safety provided through soft-touch start buttons (with anti-tie-down feature) and emergency stop button. ՕThe power supply is housed in a standard NEMA 12 enclosure with con-veniently mounted interlock through-the- door disconnect. > 41 Eagle RoadDanbury, CT 06813-1961(203) 796-0349 fax (203) 796-9838email: info@bran-sonultrasonics.com Simple maintenance-free electromechan-ical vibrator with only one moving partand no bearing surfaces to lubricate or wear.Օ Dialable amplitude (stroke) with a feed-back loop assures constant amplitude during the entire weld cycle. >
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Serviceability - All electrical and pneu-matic components are easily accessible for service and maintenance. > Օ100%+ utilization of lift table fixturemounting surface. Weight:Approx. 1,500 lbs. (680 kg)Dimensions:Overall:43" wide x 61" high(plus 6.5"casters) x 33"deep (1092 mm wide x 1715 mm high x 840 mm deep)Lift table:13.75" long x 9.5" wide(350 mm long x 240 mm wide)Drive platen:7" long x 9" wide (178 mm long x 229 mm wide)Front opening:27" wide x 15" high(685 mm wide x 380 mm high)Variable stroke:15" (380 mm)maximumNoise level:80 dB(A) Variable speed lift table travels at...
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Archived catalogs
Branson Spin Welders
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