Catalog excerpts

AIR-NEX 9380 // Be connected with the new AC Service Generation by BRAIN BEE R-1234yf READY – convertible with special kit R-513a READY – convertible with special kit AIR-NEX 9380 IS THE TOP LEVEL A/C STATION IN THE SERIES. YOU COULD NOT WISH FOR MORE! IT OFFERS ALL THE DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AIR-NEX LINE, ADDING THE EXTREME COMFORT OF THEINTEGRATED POE OIL CIRCUIT, NECESSARY FOR THOSE WHO FREQUENTLY SERVICE HYBRID OR ELECTRIC CARS, ALTERNATING WITH CARS WITH TRADITIONAL ENGINES. AIR-NEX 9380, for R134a systems, is easily convertible into R-1234yf, or All AIR-NEX stations are equipped if necessary, also in the new R513a, as well as it is possible to extend its with a WIFI connection via Bluetooth. functions thanks to the optional integration with the instruments of self- This allows access to functions additional such as: + AUTOMATIC UPDATE The integration of our special app is innovative and useful, as it is able to control, service and remote the display. This makes it to a practical and interactive tool and aims at winning the customers’ loyalty. + REMOTE SERVICE + REPORT WIFI PRINTER All updates, software and databases are self-installed thanks to the integrated + ASA NETWORK interface + APPs (iOS and Android) Wifi connection. The integrated AIR-PRINT application is also available.
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// OUR INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AT A GLANCE AIR PURGE SYSTEM: Automatic monitoring of non-condensing gas: ECO LOCK® is a patented feature that enables you to special software ensures that the purging of non- reduce the quantities of gas, ensuring your safety condensing gas is only recommended when actually and greatly helping to protect the environment. The necessary. This way, you can decide for yourself A/C station separates the air that normally gets into whether you wish to carry out this procedure, and the refrigerant in the tank when it is connected to always stay in complete control...
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