Catalog excerpts

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Single Sine Table type PF2/SS Grinding EDM Metrology Precision-ground surface for highest accuracy Pole pitch 2 mm, IIKB>N=OO IIKBOPAAH Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm Included with purchase: - 1 Actuating key - End stops - Table of sines Swiveling on short axis Mounting slot in the base plate
Open the catalog to page 2
S WIVELING AND SINE TABLES Compound Sine Table type PF2/SD Grinding EDM Metrology 4EPDOP=J@=N@LANI=JAJPI=CJAPE??DQ?GPULA-# Precision-ground surface for highest accuracy Pole pitch 2 mm, IIKB>N=OO IIKBOPAAH Swiveling on long and short axis: respectively BNKI`PK`=J@BNKI`PK` Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm PRECISION DEVICES Included with purchase: - 1 Actuating key - End stops - Table of sines Heavy duty construction / Low height
Open the catalog to page 3
Precision Sine Table without Magnetic Chuck type SS Grinding EDM Metrology Included with purchase: - Table of sines Heavy duty construction / Low height Compound Precision Sine Table without Magnetic Chuck type SSD Grinding EDM Metrology Included with purchase: - Table of sines Heavy duty construction
Open the catalog to page 4
S WIVELING AND SINE TABLES Sine Table without Magnetic Chuck type BSS/MILLING Milling Drilling Machining Milled base body made of XC48 steel Parallelism aII PRECISION DEVICES Heavy duty construction / Low height Elevating device
Open the catalog to page 5
Precision Magnetic Sine Table type EPEFINE/SS Grinding EDM Metrology Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm Included with purchase: KNIAPANHKJC?=>HAĠHAJCPDPK>A?DKOAJ KJPDAODKNPOE@A - Long and short side end stops - Clamps Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction Swiveling on short axis Mounting slot in the base plate
Open the catalog to page 6
S WIVELING AND SINE TABLES Precision Magnetic Sine Table type EPICA/SS Grinding EDM Metrology 0PAAH>=OA>K@UD=N@AJA@PK%/ =J@LNA?EOEKJCNKQJ@ Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm Included with purchase: KNIAPANHKJC?=>HAĠHAJCPDPK>A?DKOAJ KJPDAODKNPOE@A - Long and short side end stops - Clamps PRECISION DEVICES Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction Swiveling on short axis Mounting slot in the base pla
Open the catalog to page 7
Single Sine Table with EDM Magnetic Chcuk type EDM/SS EDM Precision-ground surface for highest accuracy Included with purchase: - 1 Actuating key - End stops - Table of sines Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm Swiveling on short axis
Open the catalog to page 8
S WIVELING AND SINE TABLES Permanent Magnetic Chuck łPPA@PKJCHA-H=PA".-# Grinding EDM Metrology Magnetic chuck with NEODYMIUM (rare earth) magnets -=N=HHAHLKHALEP?DSEPDOPAAH >N=OOH=IEJ=PEKJO For vertical clamping of work pieces Pole pitch 2 mm, 1 mm of brass, 1 mm of steel Included with purchase: - 1 Actuating key Admissible wear of top plate 8 mm PRECISION DEVICES High holding power / Waterproof construction
Open the catalog to page 9
Permanent Magnetic Vee Block type VM10 Grinding Metrology Positionning =?PERAB=?AOĠRAA OE@AO >KPPKI NA=N Stable construction Included with purchase: !AHERANUEJL=ENOĠNPE?HAJK ļ- - Single piece delivery (Article no.) %=N@AJA@ATA?QPEKJĠNPE?HAJK ļ1 %=N@AJA@ATA?QPEKJ EJL=ENOĠNPE?HAJK ļ1- Heavy duty construction
Open the catalog to page 10
Permanent Magnetic Vee Block type VM20 Grinding EDM Metrology Positionning 3 active faces (vee, bottom, rear) Stable construction PRECISION DEVICES Included with purchase: !AHERANUEJL=ENOĠNPE?HAJK ļ- - Single piece delivery (Article no.) Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction Permanent Magnetic Vee Block type VM30 Grinding EDM Metrology Positionning =?PERAB=?AOĠRAA OE@AO >KPPKI NA=N Precise construction Included with purchase: !AHERANUEJL=ENOĠNPE?HAJK ļ- - Single piece delivery (Article no.) Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction ĪN=EHHKJ*=CJAPE?O;$
Open the catalog to page 11
Permanent Magnetic Block type VM110 Grinding EDM Machining Positionning 4 active faces (vee, top, 2 sides) Stable construction, can be used with coolant Included with purchase: SEPDNAIKR=>HAHHAJGAUĠTT SEPDEJPACN=PA@=?PQ=?PEJCGAUĠ0TT Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction Narrow Magnetic Vee Blocks type VM100 Grinding EDM Metrology Positionning 3 active faces (vee, front, rear) Stable construction Included with purchase: - Delivered in pairs Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction 92
Open the catalog to page 12
Narrow Magnetic Vee Blocks type VM130 Grinding EDM Metrology Positionning Mounting Active surfaces inside the Vee PRECISION DEVICES Included with purchase: - Delivered in pairs High holding power / Heavy duty construction
Open the catalog to page 13
Permanent Magnetic Base type MSB Positionning Mounting =?PERAB=?AOĠRAA NA=NB=?A Heavy duty construction Permanent Magnetic Base with Dial Indicator type MSC Grinding Milling Metrology Magetic base for dial indicator %ECDAOPMQ=HEPU Reference Heavy duty construction
Open the catalog to page 14
Permanent Magnetic Base for Dial Indicator type MSR Grinding Milling Metrology Magetic base for dial indicator %ECDAOPMQ=HEPU PRECISION DEVICES Heavy duty construction
Open the catalog to page 15
Dial Indicator Permanent Magnetic Stand type MSG Grinding Milling Metrology Shock resistant dial indicator, according to DIN 878 2 adjustable tolerance marks Measuring shaft made of stainless steel *A=OQNEJCN=JCAġII =??QN=?UġII Included with purchase: - Magnetic stand - Dial Gauge Heavy duty construction / Waterproof construction
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Tunnel demagnetizer type DT
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Magnetic & paper filter
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Clip for cable type AC 01
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