Catalog excerpts

Datasheet Spartan Arduino PLC16RDA Hd Industrial Shields
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Technical Features MODELTYPE Input Voltage Input rated voltage Rated Power CONECTABLE PLC ARDUINO 24Vcc SPARTAN 16RDA Spartan Arduino PLC 16RDA 12 to 24Vdc (Fuse protection (2.5A) Polarity protection) 24Vdc 30 W I max. 1.5A Flash Memory 32KB of which 4KB used by bootloader USB consideration! Only for uploading or debugging. NOT connected as a serial ' Cannot be working in a final application General Features Power supply voltage Operating voltage range Power consumption External power supply Insulation resistance Dielectric strength Shock resistance Ambient temperature (operating) Ambient...
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Performance Specifications Install Arduino IDE and the Industrial Shields boards The steps to follow to install our equipment's to Arduino IDE are: • Open the Arduino IDE, version 1.8.0 or superior. If you don't have it yet , you can download here https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software . • Press the "Preferences”option to "File” menu and open the preferences window. • In the text box "Additional boards manager URLs”, add the direction: http://apps.industrialshields.com/main/arduino/boards/package_ind ustrialshields_indexjson • Close the preferences window with the "OK” button. • Click on...
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