Catalog excerpts

Datasheet 10 I/Os Digital Module CPU ESP32
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013002000100 Technical Features PLC 10 I/Os DIGITAL MODULE - ESP32 MODEL TYPE Input Voltage 12 to 24Vdc (Fuse protection (2.5A) Polarity protection) Input rated voltage Rated Power Clock Speed Flash Memory General Features Power supply voltage Operating voltage range Power consumption External power supply Power supply voltage Power supply voltage 20MΩ min.at 500Vdc between the AC terminals and the protective earth terminal. Insulation resistance Dielectric strength 2.300 VAC at 50/60 Hz for one minute with a leakage current of 10mA max. Between all the external AC terminals and the...
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013002000100 Performance Specifications Arduino Board Control method Stored program method Combination of the cyclic scan and immediate refresh processing methods. Programming language Arduino IDE. Based on wiring (Wiring is an Open Source electronics platform composed of a programming language. “similar to the C”) The steps to follow to install our equipment’s to Arduino IDE are: • Open the Arduino IDE, versión 1.8.0 or superior. If you don’t have it yet , you can download here https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software . • Press the “Preferences”option to “File” menu and open the preferences...
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