Catalog excerpts

Single Stream Waste Processing. Sorting your business RECYCLING SOLUTIONS
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Bollegraaf Sorting your business. At Bollegraaf, we appreciate the fact that, like any other profit- to a profitable recycling installation is creating the highest possible Our technological advancement offers you maximum flexibility, driven operation, the recycling industry is subject to economic value for your recyclables. In order to do this, your aim should be to efficiency, and the highest throughput. Choose Bollegraaf and make maximize separation quality while keeping your operational costs to changes. We help you sort your business and make it as profitable as possible. a minimum....
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Create value with Single Stream Waste Processing. Optimizing output in terms of economic value against the lowest possible costs per tonne. This is the short-term goal for every installation that Bollegraaf provides. The long-term goal is to ensure permanently low operating Bollegraaf Single Stream Process. costs and achieve an optimal return on investment. Input While most EU countries still have a policy that favours source separation, Single Stream waste processing is increasingly becoming an alternative for recycling household waste. Based on our experiences in the United States and the...
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Example lay-out of a Single Stream waste processing installation 7 The purpose of the installation is to separate, sort, and process valuable commodities, such as newspaper, The paper > A3 from the top deck and paper > A4 from the bottom This mixed paper is then fed to the optical sorting system to deck then undergo a manual quality control. separate any remaining commingled material. 10 The mixed paper then undergoes a manual quality control or mixed paper, plastic containers, PET, Tetra Pak, and glass, which are then baled and shipped for reuse. The material stream continues to a Lubo...
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Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions is the trading name of Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery bv and Lubo Systems bv. S Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions Disclaimer-All information in this document has been provided with the greatest diligence. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or any changes that may have occurred in the meantime. Therefore, any liability is expressly excluded. No part of this brochure may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without our explicit and written permission - Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions. Sorting your business RECYCLING SOLUTIONS
Open the catalog to page 5All Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Lubo Elliptical XL
2 Pages
Lubo Antares
4 Pages
Lubo Vibro-Air Sort
2 Pages
Lubo Commingled STARSCREEN
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
Lubo Glass Cleaning System
2 Pages
The Neptunus
4 Pages
Lubo Air Drum Separator
2 Pages
HBC balers
5 Pages
Corporate brochure Bollegraaf
19 Pages
De-inking solutions
5 Pages
Archive shredding solutions
5 Pages
RoBB QC sorting robot
2 Pages
2 Pages
Glass Breaker Screen
2 Pages
ONP StarScreen
2 Pages
OCC StarScreen
2 Pages