Water Technology


Catalog excerpts

Water Technology - 1

A pplications such as spa baths, swimming pools, showers and dishwashers contain high concentrations of cleansing an d sanitisin g a g ents suc h as c hl orine, ozone an d b romine t hat can subject bearings to severe conditions. However, being made f rom specially compounded thermoplasticmateria l s, BNL b earin g s minimise water a b sorption, arechemical resistant and give exceptionally good wear p ro p ert i es. C lo gg in g is a particular problem for spa manufacturers, but with its innovative patent-pending cage and race design, BNL s revo l utionary b earing tec h no l ogy a ll ows water an d debris to fl ow freely throu g h the system, yieldin g a g reater fl ow path compared to conventional bearing technology. With all of the sharp edges removed and the ball clearances i ncrease d to re d uce potentia l o b struction points, a smoot h and precise rotating jet is guaranteed - even under low p ressure and fl ow conditions. 1. a ll-plastic (nylon) bearin g with spherical bore for spa j et n o zzle 2. spinning angled water jet incorporating rubber seal fo r d is h was h e r 3. d ouble row bearing incorporating synchronous beltpulley and hex bore f or swimming pool cleaner belt d rive 4. spinning angled water jet f or shower cubicle wal l 5 . upp er basket p ulle y ( le f t ) and lower basket wheel ( ri g ht) for dishwasher crockery baskets 6. large bore angled spinning water jet f or spa bat h > FEBRUARY 2006 B NL (UK) Lt d Manse Lane Knaresborou g h North Yorkshire HG5 8LF U K T: +44 (0)1423 799200 (main) F: +44 (0)1423 862259 (main) E: sales@bnl-bearings.com innovative bearing solutions www.bnl-bearings.com size="-1">

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