Integrated Assemblies


Catalog excerpts

Integrated Assemblies - 1

BNL s vast experience, toget h er wit h our specia l ist d esign expertise, enables us to promote added value throu g h t he integration o f f eatures such as axles, precision gears, fi xing clips, mounting fl anges and pulleys in order to form f ully inte g rated assemblies that maximise functionality. By reducing the number o f components, suppliers and assem bly time, t h ese assem bl ies are a bl e to d e l iver si g nifi cant cost reductions to the customer. 1. pan and tilt bearing assembly f or a state-o f -the-artCCTV camera - as we ll as two d ou bl e row p recisionbearin g s, the assembly has been desi g ned to include many additional f eatures such as integrated routing c hannels to kee p the electronic cables tid y , and full y moulded clips that replace metal screws2 . a ll-plastic twin belt carrier fi tted with high- f riction belts f or a mail sorting applicatio n 3. f ully ad j ustable pivot assembly for a curved shower d oor incorporating three twin-shot moulded wheels a n d pl ate d ca p 4. inte g rated bearin g assembly for a rotatin g emer g encyvehicle warning light, f eaturing motor mounting bracket,bulb holder and refl ector clips - this fully integrated part replaced a total of 18 individual components that made u p the customerҒs existing solution, resulting in huge c ost sav i ngs 5. ri g ht an g led bevelled g ear drive for sealed g lass unit w in do w b lin d s 6. a ll- p lastic p an and tilt assembl y for a securit y camera > FEBRUARY 2006 B NL (UK) Lt d Manse Lane Knaresborou g h North Yorkshire HG5 8LF U K T: +44 (0)1423 799200 (main) F: +44 (0)1423 862259 (main) E: innovative bearing solutions size="-1">

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