Heavy Duty Bearings
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Heavy Duty Bearings - 1

P l astic d oes not necessari l y mean l ig h t d uty. In f act, many all-plastic bearin g s found in a variety of a pp lications such as mobile satellite antenna ( see 4 below), are capable of carrying loads in excess of 150kg.The cost effective and li g htwei g ht qualities of plastic, coupled with internal steel workings, mean that loads o f u p to 1000kg are possible whilst maintaining the fl exibilityand mass reduction afforded by the use of plastics. BNLs u nrivalled knowledge o f plastic bearing technology enables u s to choose the right combination of materials for the job. 1. d ouble row crowned pulley with inserted precision steelbearings f or belt conveyor o f mail sorting applicatio n 2. l arge h eavy d uty pu ll ey wit h inserte d precision stee l b earin gs 3. heavy duty kicker, incorporating precision steel bearings f or a mail sortin g machin e 4. h eavy d uty a ll -p l astic b earin g , incorporatin g s y nchronous belt p ulle y f or satellite TV antenn a 5 . heavy duty thrust bearing for swivelling offi ce chair 6. d ouble row crowned pulley with inserted precision steelbearings f or belt conveyor o f mail sorting applicatio n > FEBRUARY 2006 B NL (UK) Lt d Manse Lane Knaresborou g h North Yorkshire HG5 8LF U K T: +44 (0)1423 799200 (main) F: +44 (0)1423 862259 (main) E: sales@bnl-bearings.com innovative bearing solutions www.bnl-bearings.com size="-1">

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