Model 1420 - Video Microscope


Catalog excerpts

Model 1420 - Video Microscope - 1

• 30 seconds acquisition buffer • No mechanical controls or knobs to stress • Bottom-up viewing and illumination • Motionless stage for unperturbed microsystems • 30 fps color or B&W, 640x480 pixels Motorized Scanning Video Microscope Revolutionary Value in Motorized Microscopy

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Model 1420 - Video Microscope - 2

The Model 1420 Scanning Video Microscope is a r e s e a r c h - g r a d e , i n v e r t e d f l u o r e s c e n c e v i d e o microscope for appl icat ions in many f ields. Thi s general purpose microscope combines some of the most advanced features wi th por tabi l i ty and value pr icing. Wi th a synchronously pulsed i l luminator, s ens i t i v e 30- fps c ame r a , and powe r ful v ide o analysis sof tware, the Model 1420 is a workhorse for many academic, indust r ial , R&D and research act ivi t ies. Extensive f i l ter, camera, i l luminat ion and object ives opt ions let you tai lor...

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