Catalog excerpts

MEASURING • CONTROLLING • OPTIMISING Water Batching Computer Concrete Moisture Measurement in the Mixer B Hygrometer BT-6000, (c) Bikotronic GmbH Allgemein Ansicht Einstellung Beenden H Hygrometer BT-6000, (c) Bikotronic GmbH " Freigabe Entjeerung ' Freigabe Zusatzinittel Wasser Temp. Nowadays, the concrete quality is of vital importance for the industrial production process. In order to meet the increasing quality demands, it is essential to control and regulate the moisture content. The Water Batching Computer BT-7000 determines the moisture of the concrete in the mixer fast and exactly. It calculates and doses the water to be added with high repeatability and is thus the basis for a constantly optimal concrete quality. Water Batching Computer
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The advantages High Repeatability The "Tuning Curve" The multi-level processing of the measured values is an important feature of the BT-7000 as it ensures a particularly high repeatability. Thanks to this technique, every mixer with its specific mixing performance can be adjusted to the output signal of the sensor. Measuring outliers are suppressed for mixers with very high amplitude fluctuations. Thus, we have a constant value for calculating the water to be added. This is especially favourable for the production of precast parts or Self-Compacting Concrete. The distinct advantage of the...
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Temperature Sensor icrowave Sensor Water Batching Computer Water Dosing Unit Microwave Sensors General Information The microwave sensors were developed in cooperation with the chair for high frequency engineering of the technical faculty of the Christian-Albrecht-University in Kiel. The measurement accuracy of the microwave sen- sor under laboratory conditions is better than 0.1 %. The complete linearity of the microwave sensor allows precise measurements with very dry concrete as well Temperature Stability The microwave sensors for installation in mixers are heat-resistant up to 60 °C....
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MEASURING • CONTROLLING • OPTIMISING Bikotronic GmbH - Im Hohen Acker 7 Internet: http://www.bikotronic.de E-Mail: info@bikotronic.de Constant Concrete Quality Who is not familiar with this problem: If the core concrete is too dry it will not form smooth lateral surfaces, if the core concrete is too wet the stones become "bulbous" and the stones are bound to fall through when packaging. These pro- blems can only be avoided by guaranteeing a constant concrete quality. Mass Products Here are a fast production, good filling behaviour of the core concrete with constantly the same height as well...
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