Catalog excerpts

TM Electric ValveActuators and Controls >
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For more than 40 years, BettisCorporation has been recognizedworldwide for providing industry with high performance pneumaticand hydraulic valve actuators. The The Bettis TorqPlus, and the modular concept, offers itsusers significant advantages: > ■ Compact Design The actuators provide maxi-mum torque output relative to its small design housing. addition of the Bettis line of TorqPlus electric actuators carries on the tradition of product quality, innova-tion and service reliability.Bettis TorqPlus actuators are specifi-cally designed for quarter-turnoperating applications ֗ ball, butterfly...
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5.Capacitors. Used on all single phase AC units, eachcapacitor is peak voltage rated and of improved designfor maximum service life. 6.Potentiometers. Precision mechanically linked to > These very rugged and versatile electric actuators takefull benefit of precision-machining which allows everymodel to provide maximum torque output relative to itscompact design configuration and contains a minimum of parts to reduce vibration, lessen noise and resist harsh service. Utilizing a combination of spur, worm andplanetary power gearing reduction systems, the Bettis TorqPlus actuators incorporate...
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7 4 2 1 6 5 9 8 > 11.Enclosures. 12.Output Drives Made from high strength sand castings,enclosures are rated for applications in both Non-haz- ardous and Hazardous locations. As an option, the Bettis TorqPlus is also available with a CSA Certified combina- tion Hazardous and Non-hazardous enclosure for indoor and outdoor protection in locations classified Class I andII, Groups C, D, E, F and G as defined in the NationalElectrical Code plus protects against wind-blown dust, wind-blown rain, splashing water and hose-directedwater. are corrosion resistant. Female drivesare available in a...
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Bettis TorqPlus quality line of electric actuators are designed for quarter turn applications ball, butterfly and plug valves; dampers; vents and similar uses. TorqPlus actuators are manufactured in a wide range of Single phase capacitor run motor with thermal overload protection and internal motor brake guaranteed output torques and operating speeds to fit your specific requirements. The Model EM-0 Enclosure designed to meet C.S.A. specifications that conform to Nema type 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 4X, & 12 5 0 actuators offer compactness with a rugged design to develop maximum torque in a small...
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Torque 100 IN/LBS Terminal Strip Capacitor MotorOutput Drive Shaft L imitSwitch > MODEL EM-050 SERIES TORQUE LOCKED ROTOR AMP MOTOR DUTY CYCLE @ 75 F IN/LB NM SPEED 90ں 115VAC 220VAC 12VDC 24VDC AC DC 100 11 2 1/2 SEC 0.51 N/A N/A N/A 50% N/A Full Load Amps Per CSA Tag on Actuator 0.45 >
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Bettis TorqPlus quality line of electric actuators aredesigned for quarter turn applications ֗ ball, butterflyand plug valves; dampers; vents and similar uses. TorqPlus actuators are manufactured in a wide range of > ■ Single phase capacitor run motor with thermal overload protection and internal motor brake for250 in/lb and 350 in/lb models guaranteed output torques and operating speeds to fityour specific requirements.The Model EM-100 actuators offer compactness with arugged design to develop maximum torque in a small package. > ■ Enclosure certified to weatherproof C.S.A.specifications...
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TORQUESPEEDLOCKED ROTOR AMPMOTOR DUTYIN/lBNM90ְ115VAC220VAC12VDC24VDCCYCLE @ 75F ACDC 100112 SEC1.30CF*N/AN/A30%N/A 2502810 SEC0.70CF*.701.4030%100%3503913 SEC0.70CF*N/AN/A30%N/A * Consult factory for 230VAC locked rotor current. Model #Mounting Bolt CircleDrive Sleeve 133F03F03 144F04F04 155F05F05 > Bettis Electric 2500 Park Avenue West Mansfield, OH 44906 U.S.A. T419-529-4296 F419-529-4484 Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Bettis E-Mail: Info.Bettis.Electric@EmersonProcess.com Щ 2002 Emerson. All rights reserved. 5M/01-02 Bulletin #85.10 size="-2">
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Bettis TorqPlus quality line of electric actuators aredesigned for quarter turn applications ֗ ball, butterflyand plug valves; dampers; vents and similar uses. TorqPlus actuators are manufactured in a wide range of > ■ Operating temperatures:-40F with standard heater activated to +140аF guaranteed output torques and operating speeds to fityour specific requirements.The Model EM-300 actuators combine compactnesswith manual override capability and an extensive array of available options for a broad spectrum of applications. > ■ Single phase capacitor run motor with thermal overload protection...
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Position Indicator Output Drive shaft Motor and Brake TerminalStrip Heater O-Ring Seal Capacitor Travel-Stop Limit Switches Dual Conduit Connection > TORQUESPEEDMODELLOCKED ROTOR AMPMOTOR DUTY IN/IBNM90ְ115VAC230VAC12VDC24VDCCYCLE @ 75F ACDC 150174 SEC300-040.57*0.291.2A2.5A**30%100% 3003410 SEC300-100.57*0.291.2A2.5A**30%100% 4004515 SEC300-150.56*0.251.2A2.5A**30%100%6006830 SEC300-300.56*0.251.2A2.5A**30%100% * Locked rotor current for all 75% and 100% duty cycle motors is 0.50 amp**75% and 100% duty cycle motors are available for 115 VAC service Bettis Electric 2500 Park Avenue West...
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Bettis TorqPlus quality line of electric actuators aredesigned for quarter turn applications ֗ ball, butterflyand plug valves; dampers; vents and similar uses. TorqPlus actuators are manufactured in a wide rangeof > ■ Operating temperatures: -40F with standard heater activated, to +140аF guaranteed output torques and operating speeds tofit your specific requirements.The Model EM-500 Series are designed for the entiremid-range of torques and operating speeds, with a rugged versatility that is hard to beat. > ■ Single phase capacitor run motor with thermal overload protection > ■ Enclosure...
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*Heater and Thermostat not shown. >
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Bettis TorqPlus quality line of electric actuators aredesigned for quarter turn applications ֗ ball, butterflyand plug valves; dampers; vents and similar uses. TorqPlus actuators are manufactured in a wide range of > ■ Enclosure certified to weatherproof C.S.A. specifications that conform to NEMA type 1, 2,3,3R, 4 and 12 guaranteed output torques and operating speeds to fityour specific requirements.The EM-800 Series utilizes a highly effective planetarygearing system and a handwheel manual override to produce maximum torques in a compact package. > ■ Handwheel manual operation > ■...
Open the catalog to page 14All BETTIS catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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