Catalog excerpts

If left unchecked in a water or sewer system, transient pressures can cause catastrophic damage to pipes and equipment, risk the safety of operators, allow intrusion of dangerous contaminants into the system, and interrupt service to customers. Over time, increased wear and tear on pipes and pumps as a result of hydraulic transients can lead to premature failure. How can transients be eliminated or controlled? The most cost-effective approach is to perform a transient analysis to locate trouble spots and determine appropriate surge control strategies.With a 15-year history of successful application on high-profile projects, HAMMER > HAMMER uses the mathematically rigorous Method of Characteristics so that calculated results accurately match field conditions puts the power to perform this critical analysis in the hands of water system professionals. > HAMMER uses the Method of Characteristics (MOC) - the benchmark standard and the most rigorous and robust algorithm for hydraulic transient analysis. Unlike algorithms like the Wave Plan Method (a.k.a. the Wave Characteristic Method) that compromise the accuracy of solutions by computing results only at junctions, the MOC computes results at intermediate points along the pipeline, accurately capturing critical changes that could otherwise be overlooked.HAMMER gives users the choice to use a built-in steady-state engine to automatically compute initial conditions, or enter steady-state data. However, if you own WaterCAD > ή or WaterGEMS > , you can choose to use HAMMER as an integrated module within the interface of your choice (stand-alone, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, or MicroStation > Quickly input data and review results using FlexTables ή ). In that case the model calculated by WaterCAD or WaterGEMS can be used as the initial steady-state conditions of your HAMMER model. > HAMMER allows you to precisely simulate the impact of a wide range of surge protection devices and rotating equipment. The user can select from more than 20 devices and perform an unlimited number of operating scenarios to develop the most appropriate strategy for surge mitigation. > With HAMMER you can build your network from scratch using simple drag-and-drop layout tools, or interface seamlessly with EPANet, WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, and other hydraulic models eliminating the need for time- consuming model building. Completely customizable FlexTables > HAMMER provides powerful profiling tools to help you quickly understand where transient phenomena occur in your system will accelerate the data input process and facilitate the review of results. For full control of your data, these can be filtered, sorted, and globally edited. HAMMER also includes personalized engineering libraries for liquids, materials, pumps, turbines, and valves. > The analysis and data visualization tools in HAMMER allow you to capture fast-moving transient phenomena, determine their impact on your system, and select the most appropriate surge protection equipment for the job. Thematic mapping, interactive VCR-style animation, complete results management, and a host of report-ready graph and profile options provide you with the information you require in a format that makes sense. Generate and store profiles that superimpose the pipeline, hydraulic grade, transient head, vapor or air volume, and flow rate. Compare the effectiveness of different surge protection equipment by plotting the maximum and minimum transient head envelopes on the same graph. Customize your reports to effectively communicate the critical points of your analysis. > For more information visit www.bentley.com/HAMMER or call 1-800-BENTLEY size="-1">
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