Total Staion TTS105
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Catalog excerpts

Total Staion TTS105 - 1

ISO 9001 B1 TOTAL STATION TTS105 Brief Introduction Features Application œ TTS105 is an electronic/optical instrument mainly applied in construction and civil engineering field. Angles, distances, coordinates and many advanced measurements are accomplished by using trigonometry and triangulation. Downloading and uploading data are available. œ Large and high resolution screen guarantees a clear display œ Measure up to 100m in the reflectorless mode œ Extended internal memory accepts up to 50000 points œ Handy EDM head œ Electronic auto compensator œ Equipped with advanced measurement programs and practical software œ Possibility of red laser centering œ Red laser directing ensures pinpoint accuracy in reflectorless distance measurement œ Easy and direct operation with the alphanumeric keyboard and the function keys œ Long battery life up to 30 hours for angle measurement only œ Rugged, durable, water and dust resistant design

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Total Staion TTS105 - 2

ISO 9001 TOTAL STATION TTS105 B1 Standard Delivery Technical Specifi cation œ Main unit 1 œ Software 1 œ RS232 data cable 1 œ Rechargeable battery 2 œ Battery charger 1 œ Car charger 1 œ Tool kit 1 œ Dryer 1 œ Lint-free cloth 1 œ Brush 1 œ Screwdriver 1 œ Rain protector 1 œ Shoulder strap 1 œ Instruction manual 1 œ TIME certificate 1 œ Warranty card 1 ANGLE MEASUREMENT(Hz, V) Accuracy 5" Method Grating disk Min. reading 1" Standard deviation 2" Compensation Vertical axis Compensating range ±3Œ Level parameter: Circular level 8'/2mm Plate level 30/2mm TELESCOPE Magnification 30× Image Erect...

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