Catalog excerpts
Beijing Beifen-Ruili Analytical Instrument (Group) Co.,Ltd. 1) Core tests; 2) Automatic tests; 3) Extended tests; 4) Basic tests; Monitor the status of GC continuously. Once finding faults, it’ll display the information and show the wrong zone and the settling method. ♦ Self-protective function: 1) Overrun temperature protection; 2) Short circuit hint; 3) TCD filament protection; 4) FID flameout hint; 5) PFD exposed-light protection; 6) Keyboard locking with password; etc., ensuring normal running. ♦ Simple operation, powerful automation: 1) All parameters can be entered through keyboard with prompt function; 2) 4 sets of complete chromatography analysis methods can be stored and recalled automatically; 4) Parameters can be modified instantly while the GC is running; 5) Chromatography analysis method can be activated for 99 times repeatedly at the same time. It’s especially suitable for unattended operation. ♦ More choices of injectors: 1) On- Column Injector for Packed Column; 2) Flash Vaporization Injector for Packed Column 3) Automatic or manual gas inject valve; 4) Headspace sampler;5) Thermal desorption system 6) Split/Splitless Capillary Injector; Three Injectors or two Split/Splitless Capillary Injectors can be fixed on GC. ♦ More choices of detectors: 1) TCD; 2) FID; 3) ECD; 4) FPD; 5) TSD Maximum of two TCDs or three different kinds of detectors can be installed. ♦ Reactor: 1) Internal; 2) external ♦ Time programming of detectors: Each of detectors has 5-ramp programmable time control. Output-signal, attenuation range, and polarity can be set automatically. ♦ Time programming of external events: Providing 4 external events with 20-ramp programmable time control. The optional GC relays may be used to automate valves, operate split/ splitless capillary injectors, drive auxiliary devices, or switch signals between detector A and detector B in a run. ♦ Many kind of special-purpose GC can be provided according to user’s request. SPECIFICATIONS ♦ Column oven: Operating temperature range: ambient temperature to 400"C; Dual opening-door at the back of column oven; Cooling time: 250°C to 50°C in 5 min; Programmable oven with 4-ramp temperature control; Temperature programming rate: 0.1~50°C/min ♦ Injector system: Operating temperature range: ambient temperature to 400"C ♦ Thermal conductivity detector -TCD: Maximum temperature: 400°C Sensitivity: SlOOOOmv • mL/mg (for butane) Linear range: 105 Current range: 50 to 400mA ♦ Filament protection: If He or H2 carrier gas flow in the detector cell is cut off for 4 minutes, filament power will be shut off automatically. ♦ Flame ionization detector-FID: Maximum temperature: 400°C Minimum detectivity: <5x10"12g/s (n-Ci6) Linear range: 107 Flameout hint: monitoring the status of GC continuously after being turned on. ♦ Electron capture detector-ECD: Maximum temperature: 400°C Minimum detectivity: <0.1pg/mL (y-666) Linear range: 104 Emission source: 11mC63Ni ♦ Flame photometric detector-FPD: Maximum temperature: 400°C Minimum detectivity: [P] <2x1012g/s (tributyl phosphate) [S] <2x10"10g/s (p-methylsulfurphosoharous) Linear range: [P]:105 [Sj: 103 Two air-hydrogen flames; For large volume injection or trace sample injection analyses; Single air-hydrogen flame: sulfur sensitivity can be increased; Direct output: for phosphorus or sulfur analyses; Square-root output: for sulfur analyses; Exposed-light protection: When exposed-light current is more than 12pA, high voltage will be cut off automatically. ♦ Nitrogen-phosphorus detector-TSD: Maximum temperature: 400°C Minimum detectivity: [N] £2x10"13g/s (azobenzene) [P] £1xl0‘13g/s (malathion) Linear range: [N]:10
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