Catalog excerpts

Maritime monitor - MTe and MTe E Field of Application The maritime monitor series MTe and MTe E have been developed for software applications on bridges, engine control rooms and many other PC-based applications on vessels and offshore environment. Ether as VLQJOH EDVHG XQLW RU LQ D ORFDO DUHD QHWZRUN /$1 FRQQHFWHG WR VHYHUDO RWKHU GLVSOD\V WKH PDULWLPH PRQLWRUV JR VWURQJ ZLWK VSHFLÀF IXQFWLRQDOLWLHV Video over LAN The “e” stands for “enhanced functionality” which means, the video signal transmission can be realized via USB or LAN interface. The result is an open network structure with connection of up to 8 different monitors without any VGA or DVI converter. It is possible to use DQ H[LVWLQJ /$1 WR VDYH LQÁH[ible VGA cabling and expensive multi mode graphic cards. Dimming in several ways At bridges it is mandatory to use a dimming functionality for all back-lighted devices. MTe displays FDQ EH GLPPHG LQÀQLWHO\ YDULDEOH WR EULJKWQHVV ZKLFK HQVXUHV D non-dazzling control for the crew. There are several ways to adjust the display brightness. One way is to adjust the dimming for every monitor individually, using the front buttons. But in some cases it might be useful, to dim the whole range of monitors at once. For this case the remote dimming feature allows the building of local networks of connected monitors where any monitor can control the backlight brightness of any other. Point-to-Point Two monitors can control each other via RS232. Multiple Monitors can be connected and control each RWKHU YLD DQ 56 EXV Other remote dimming features are available via USB Comprehensive video network with existing LAN or USB cabling or Ethernet connection with the Beijer Electronics RBC Router. The RBC Router is a service that handles SCOM commands. It is a part of the Monitor Control Center. USB Network Several monitors can control each other via USB connection. To enable this feature, the RBC Router must run on the PC, and USB output must be enabled. Local Universal Network Several monitors can control HDFK RWKHU YLD 56 56 RU USB to the same PC. To enable this feature, the RBC Router must run on the PC, and RS232 RXWSXW 56 RXWSXW RU 86% output must be enabled. Global Universal Network Several monitors in different local networks can control each other via Ethernet, RS232 (only WZR 3&V SHU FRQQHFWLRQ 56 or USB. To enable this feature, the RBC Router must run on every PC, and RS232 output, 56 RXWSXW 86% RXWSXW DQG Ethernet input must be enabled. Easy to realize dimming network in several ways with MTe and MTe E
Open the catalog to page 1
Maritime Monitor - MTe Nautic Characteristics Decrease cabling through Video over LAN Perfect night vision by network dimming function 9DULRXV FHUWLÀFDWLRQV IRU PDMRU FODVVLÀFDWLRQ VRFLHWLHV 5XJJHG GHVLJQ IRU VSHFLÀFV of maritime requirements Choice between resistive WRXFK DQG DQWLUHÁHFWLYH JODVV TECHNICAL DATA Front panel Type of data entry 5HVLVWLYH WRXFK 2SWLRQ DQWLUHÁHFWLYH JODVV Power supply Operating voltage Power consumption Interfaces Serial General information Frame material Front foil acid-resistant polyester foil Operating temperature Storage temperature
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TECHNICAL DATA (for further data, see page 3.2) BOTTOM VIEW
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TECHNICAL DATA (for further data, see page 3.2) SIDE VIEW BACK VIEW SIDE VIEW
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TECHNICAL DATA (for further data, see page 3.2) Front panel Size in inches Contrast ratio Luminous intensity General information Outer dimensions in mm WxHxD Order information Description of item
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TECHNICAL DATA (for further data, see page 3.2) PANEL CUTOUT
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