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Textile_Membranes_Leather_2024 - 1

TRANSFORMING TEXTILES: THE 2D CRYSTALS ADVANTAGE Empowering Textiles, Elevating Industries

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ABOUT US EXCELLENCE IN 2D CRYSTALS PRODUCTION BeDimensional is the leading firm in graphene and 2D crystals production. With a legacy of technology and innovation, we are at the edge of industrial production of the best quality, atomically controlled, graphene and other 2D crystals for a variety of industrial applications. We are committed to innovation, quality and sustainability in every aspect of our operations. At BeDimensional, we are dedicated to shaping a future in which textiles are empowered with the performances of our cutting-edge materials.

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OUR 2D CRYSTALS MULTIFUNCTIONAL POWDERS Graphene It is a one-atom thick layer of graphite. It is the strongest and thinnest material known to exist. It is a perfect: electricity and heat conductor abrasion resistant and lubricant barrier to molecules Hexagonal Boron Nitride It is a white and colourable crystal of boron and nitrogen atoms. It is a perfect: heat conductor electrical insulator abrasion resistant and lubricant barrier to molecules

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SUCCESFULL CASE STUDIES POLYMERIC MEMBRANES Our materials improve thermal regulation and abrasion resistance of laminated or coated polymeric membranes, while maintaining high breathability and mechanical resistance (e.g. water column) in different water- or solvent-based resins. The performances unlocked by our 2D crystals are obtainable with any standard resin. Thermal transport Thermal regulation Abrasion resistance Electrical conductivity (ESD)

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SUCCESFULL CASE STUDIES LEATHER AND FABRICS Our hexagonal boron-nitride B-LEAF crystals, integrated into standard finishing coatings, match perfectly with leather and fabrics providing excellent thermal properties. Experience a garment that remains cool and comfortable, providing enhanced thermal regulation and setting a new standard of unparalleled innovation in functional textiles. Real thermographic image of a leather coated with B-LEAF (left) and with standard acrylic finishing resin (right)

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POWDER Our pristine few-layer crystals, for integration in any liquid medium. LIQUID CONCENTRATE Concentrate stable dispersions of our fewlayer crystals in water or solvents with selected polarity. Suitable for any binder system Suggested for high concentrations in the finished product Suitable for direct integration in established resin systems Suggested for low concentrations in the finished product Typical dosage (respect to solid content): Abrasion resistance: 0.1-1 % Thermal conductivity: 0.5-5 % Electrical conductivity: 4-10 % Controlled rheology and compatibility Average...

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BeDimensional S.p.A. Via Lungotorrente Secca ,30R 16163 Genova +39 010 2364170 info@bedimensional.it www.bedimensional.com

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